Sunday, October 12, 2008



Abdul was noble example of complete and perfect devotion and active service with fullest faith, that is Nishta in the Guru. He had both Nishta and Saburi and Baba on occasions, told him, `Arre, what are you going to have? You are going to live in storied houses and terraced houses. You will have a glorious time.' Abdul lived for some time in Buty's wada upstairs and he commanded the respect of a very wide circle of Hindus and Muslims.

Baba sometimes used to give blessings concealing them under abuse and violence. Baba beat Abdul and Jog many times. Baba said to Abdul Tereku, Dhariaku, Par uttar Dhea, tera Matti Sona Banadiya Kyabadi Madi Bandhya. This means, `I have enabled you to cross the oceans. Your earth, that is mud body, has been turned into gold. What a high storeyed building?' Like this Abdul had various blessings and prophecies, and Baba sat with Abdul at the chavadi in the morning before he started for the Mosque. Abdul's statement about Avatars, his book shows, has reference to all the Dasa Avatars, and there is a hint that Baba treated himself as one of the avatars. Baba also prophesied that the British Empire in India would have only nine rulers in India. In 1947, evidently at the time of the ninth king, India passed out of British jurisdiction.

Baba used to give Abdul excellent advice fitting him for a yogi's life. Baba told him, `Eat very little. Do not go in for a variety of eatables. One sort of dish will suffice. Do not sleep much.' Abdulfollowed this advice. He kept awake all night, and in a kneeling posture kept repeating his Koran, that is, Baba's words. He was meditating on them. Baba said, `Have Dhyan on what is read and think Who am I.' This might have been beyond the capacity of Abdul.

(Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji)

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