Thursday, October 30, 2008



Humour is a distinct human quality. And of all Baba's human qualities, his sense of humour was the most outstanding. Baba's sense of humour was of a very peculiar kind being at first hardly intelligible to people around him. The humour consisted in there being two applications for the words he uttered, one being patent and other often being discovered after some time and enquiry. We shall give some examples.

In the case of one G. D. Pelaspi who approached Baba, the latter according to his custom of revealing his antarjnana about the visitor so as to infuse faith in him, mentioned the fact that the trouble of Pelaspi was that a debtor of his, named Bapu Saheb was delaying and evading payment of Rs. 4,000 due to Pelaspi. So, Baba said when Pelaspi came, `What is Bapu Saheb doing:" Thinking that Baba referred to Bapu Saheb Jog, someone present said, `He is sleeping'. Baba said, `When he come here, beat him. He owes me Rs. 4,000 and is delaying payment'. People fancied that Baba was angry with Bapu Saheb Jog forthe alleged non-payment of debt to him. But Baba was referring only to the pandit of Pelaspi. Pelaspi understood Baba's words and took Baba's words as good augury that pressure would be brought upon his debtor to make the payment quickly. But the others who misunderstood Baba thought that he referred to his poojari namely, Bapu Saheb Jog. They informed him of Baba's words and he was very upset by Baba's statement, for he did not owe Rs. 4,000 to Baba and he said, `The claim is unjust'. But Baba was enjoying the fun. Similarly Baba used the words, Tatya, Bapu, Vani, referring to particular persons orparticular sort of persons. People who heard him could not make out the real reference. Baba enjoyed the fun.

(Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B. V. Narasimha Swamiji)

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