Thursday, October 16, 2008



There was a Muslim farmer who had to deepen his field well with dynamite; but his application to the Collector for a license was twice refused on the strength of the report of the local officers. The farmer in disgust came to Baba and begged his intervention tosecure bare justice. Baba told him to wait till Nana Saheb came. When nana Saheb arrived, Baba asked him to recommend the application to the Collector. Nana replied that there was no hope of a third application being successful. Baba, however, told Nana that this time the Collector would grant the application, if Nana supported it.


Baba added: This application has left a box with us and he wants it to be returned to him. It is not right to say to him, "Nay". The words were cryptic, but Nana's constant association with Baba enabled him to interpret them alright. The applicant had, in some former birth, done a good deed or helped Baba (perhaps Nana also) by a good turn, and so had to get a return for it. So, Baba, through Nana, must now use his influence to turn the Collector's mind so as to see the justice of the applicant's claim.

Nana took the applicant to the Collector and his third petition was presented. Nana was careful enough to state the previous orders. When the Collector asked the applicant why he insisted on having dynamite, the latter forcibly put his own case. The Government itself had issued a loan of Rs.500/- for the improvement of that land. Unless the well was deepened with dynamite, improvement of the land and return of the Government loan were not possible. The application was at once granted.

(Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji)

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