Saturday, October 18, 2008

H H Narasimha Swamiji's Sayings.

H H Narasimha Swamiji's Sayings.

Faith, intense faith in Sri Sai with oftentimes manifestations of the power of that faith, forms one of the easiest means of our performing the duty we owe to Baba and to humanity. Our self-interest in the lower and the higher sense alike prods us to develop that same faith.

Success in life comes only to the bold, the intrepid, the thorough going, those who are in dead earnest about success and prepared to sacrifice all, even pet notions, pet aversions, and pet loves. It is not commonly recognised that one of the hardest things to give up isones weakness, the weakness that prevents man from facing the real truths of existence.

Baba has not one mission, but a hundred missions. Protecting the goods (virtuous), punishing or reforming he wicked, establishing Dharma (virtue) or its hold on the people are the functions of divine personalities, and Baba was performing all these functions. His mission is to help everyone that means of course, everyone capable of benefiting. He quoted occasionally his master's or Guru's behest that, `as he had received liberally from his master, he must similarly distribute liberally amongst those that approached him.

Apichet Suduracharo
Bhajate mam Ananyabhak
Sadhureva Sa mantavyah
Samyak Vyavastito hi sah.

This means, `even the most wicked, if he concentrates on or worship Me the Lord, then he must be deemed a sadhu or a good person. Thus Baba checked vice and weakness in men, giving them purity, strength, etc., and enabling them to rise spiritually.

Baba was dealing with large number of devotees. It is not possible to make the entire lot moral and properly behaved, inspite of all the efforts of Baba to correct them. Baba said, `I have been considering long and thinking day and night. All are thieves. But we have to deal with them. I prayed to God night and day for their improvement or removal but God delays and does not approve of the (i.e., my) attitude or grant the prayer. But living or dead, I will have what I have been praying for'

(Courtesy: Sai Sudha, June 1990, All India Sai Samaj, Chennai)

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