Sunday, October 12, 2008



Q: Why is it that though we have all we need, we still unhappy?

A: You are unhappy because ye wander.

Q: Why is it that we wander and have no peace in our hearts?

A: Ye wander because ye are victims to desire and appetites. They will not let you rest in peace.

Q: What may we do to be free from desires and happiness?

A: Give your mind and heart to God. Let your hands be engaged in work; but your thoughts dwell on the Lotus Feet of the Beloved. For thoughts are internal forces. And as you think, so you make or mar yourself.

Q: I try to fix my thoughts on God but lapse, again and again, into forgetfulness. What may I do?

A: If you would constantly live in the thought of God, love Him. A man thinketh as he loveth. Love is the Sun round which our thoughts revolve: They derive their light from love.

Q: Why is it that God upsets our plans, again and again?

A: God upsets our plans to set up His own. So plan nothing. Leave everything in His safe Hands!Choose not but acknowledge and adore His Will. Accept the burden. His wisdom lays on you. And believe that every burden is blessing.

Q: What is the secret of happiness?

A: Your will not be happy by possessing things. If you will be truly happy, do the Will of God in daily life. This is not an easy cross. Suffering purifies. And none was truly happy who did not purify himself.

(Courtesy: MIRA, November 2001)

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