The one most important fact to remember about morals and Baba is that Baba did nothing which he did not preach. Love for the Guru, love that knows no bounds of time, place or circumstance and love that sacrifices anything and everything at its altar. Gratitude, service, equality, justice, consideration and so many other good qualities that were in him and taught by him were the direct issue of this love and could not have all been sustained without this love. This is the central point to remember about Baba. `Apana, Sarika Karitat Tatkal' says Tukaram of gurus. The sishya grows in love, absorbs the love from the Guru and returns it with all his soul and body, and does not consider himself as anything except as the lover and the beloved of the Guru. Thus he attains moral perfection, spiritual perfection, perfection of Siddhis and perfection of every sort; This is the natural result of Baba's moral teachings.
(By HH Pujyasri B.V. Narasimha Swamiji)
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