Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Divine Dews from Shri Sai Satcharitra

Divine Dews from Shri Sai Satcharitra

Why should you take the responsibility of the actions on you? Do not entertain the sense of doership in doing good, as well as bad deeds; (SSS Ch. L)

This Masjidmai (its presiding Deity) is very merciful, She is merciful Mother of the simple devotees, whom She will save in calamities. Once a person sits on Her lap, all his troubles are over. (SSS Ch.XXII)

Nobody should take the labour of others in vain. The worker should be paid his dues promptly and liberally. (SSS Ch.XVIII & XIX)

Always worship Me, who is seated in your heart as well as in the hearts of all beings. (SSS Ch.XV)

"Allah Malik", i.e. God is the sole Proprietor, nobody else is our Protector. His method of work is extra-ordinary, invaluable and inscrutable. (SSS Ch.XVIII & XIX)

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