Tuesday, October 14, 2008



Baba to D. V. Sambare (who was getting addicted): `Boy, why do you behave like this? See, I give you this warning first, that you should give up drink. If you do not heed this, I will not warn you again but leave you to your fate.'

D. V. Sambare forswore liquor. He was free of the hankering.

One day his superior invited him to a dinner, a big party and came up to see that the glassful kept before him was not drunk by D. V. Sambare . The latter offered excuses, which were laughed at.

In this perplexity of D. V. Sambare, all the hall lights were extinguished suddenly. The host went to look at the cause. Meanwhile an obliging neighbour drank up D. V. Sambare's glass.

The host returned, saw the glass empty and thanking his pleading was successfully went away.

Baba performed a chamatkar to save D. V. Sambare, - for none could discover how the lights were extinguished and again lit up by themselves.

In another occasion:

Baba to (a) Santaram and (b) a goldsmith boy who were addicted to drink: "Stay six days here." From that time love of drink left them and they continued free from that vice even after they left Shirdi.

(Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji)

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