In Bhopal of Warhad lived one Anwar Khan and he came to Baba, and said, `I do not want samsara'. He lived at Shirdi in the chavadi for 12 days. Baba gave him a mantra,
Bismilla Kuliya hiyo Valkafirono nabudo mabudana.
that is, in Chapter 1 of Koran, Baba told him to repeat this 101 times at midnight. Thereafter, he was to recite Davut. Then Baba gave him peda as prasad. Haji Kasim of Bombay provided him with a free passage to Arabia. He was then returned. It is one of the five duties of Muslims to go and visit Mecca, and Baba helped this man to performthat duty.
Muhammad Ka, a Rohilla of Nevasu, was with Baba. Once he lifted the curtain to see who was talking with Mahlsapathy. Strange to say, he could not see Baba, though Baba was there. Then he grew queer and crazy. His younger brother came to Shirdi to take him. Then Baba gave udhi to him and sent him back, and then he became all right.
About 1936, Chote Khan and Madhav Fasle were at the Mosque one night. Chote Khan heard Baba's voice `Ye Madhav, Get up, I want to pass urine.' But Madhav in his sleep did not get up. Early in the morning, both of them found in the hollow at the place where Baba used to sit, scented water. The hollow was filled with water. Baba had passedurine, and it had become scented water!!!
One Anwar Khan, an Ahmednagar Kazi, wanted to rebuild a Masjid at Telikakoot and came to Baba for Funds. After waiting for three days, he was told by Baba, `The Masjid will not accept any money from you or from others. The Masjid herself would provide the funds.' Dig three feet under the Nimbar, and there is a treasure there. With thatrebuild the Masjid. Then Kazi went, dug and found the treasure there. with that rebuilt the Masjid. Then he came back to Shirdi and told all the people including Chote Khan of the above facts.
One Maddu Shah, a Fakir at Meron in Jalgaon in Kandesh, came to Shirdi around 1913. He asked Baba, `Give me Rs. 700.' He cried and cried. then Baba told Bapu Saheb Jog, `Give him Rs. 700. Jog brought Rs. 700 silver coins and placed them before Baba. Baba told two boys, Lakshman and Gulab, `Take this money and give it to the Fakir.' Thesetwo boys took the money, but they handed over only Rs. 500 to the Fakir. And the Fakir wept and cried, `I have been given only Rs. 500.' For two or three days he went on grumbling. Baba kept quiet.
After that, Baba gives him udhi, and this man went out. Baba said nothing to him, but when this man was walking on, near Nimgam, two miles away from Shirdi, a tonga came up. One Irus Shah, a Parsi Tahsildar in the Nizam's state got down from the tonga and told the Fakir, `You take this food and take this Rs. 200. Are you now content?' Then Irus Shah came to Shirdi to Tatya Patil's new house, and told the people that in a dream Baba told him `You come by tonga to Shirdi. On the way you will see a Fakir near Nimgam carrying tiger skin. Then alight and give him food and Rs. 200, for which he is pining.' In accordance with that dream, Irus Shah said, `I found the fakir and gave him Rs. 200 and food.'
From Lazur in Nizam's State a Muslim came to Baba and said that he urgently needed Rs. 400 or Rs. 500. Baba told him `Go and sit under the Vatam for motions. There a vessel full of coins will be found by you.' The next morning, he passed motions, and went to wash himself and stumbled upon a very heavy vessel, evidently full of treasure. hecould not lift it. So, he came back to Baba at the chavadi. But when he returned back to the place, he could not find the treasure. Baba said, Ganukadu of Ruihad, who was coming in a cart, found it and took it away in his cart. So, nothing can be done. That Ganukadu became rich and Lazur went back in grief and poverty. "Opportunity knocksonce only, recognise and utilize it with His Grace"
(Imam Bhai Chote Khan, aged about 65 years and resident of Vajapur, Aurangabad district, told to His Holiness Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji)
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