Thursday, October 9, 2008



Chote Khan's second visit to Shirdi was in the presence of Mahlsapathy and Maushi. As soon as he went in, Baba told Maushi, `People do not listen to me. Rascals go away and suffer; by a thorn's injury and the parent dies.' This was a wonderfully accuraterepresentation of what had happened to Chote Khan. At the close of the first visit, he went away without Baba's permission. Two days after he return home, his mother struck a thorn in her foot and died; evidently by reason of an infection it had turned septic and swollen.

The fourth day after his mother's death, Chote Khan came to Shirdi, because he had no funds for her funeral ceremonies and no employment, and hoped that Baba would provide the funds. He stayed for 34 days or so. Then Baba said to Maushi in his presence, `Udhi must be received and then the man must go.' He thought that Baba was giving him leavebecause it is Baba's method to address one, while indirectly referring to another. Next morning, Baba extended his hands with udhi when Chote Khan approached him, and when giving udhi, Baba said, `At the doorway of the house, there will be an old woman standing. She will give something, using which celebrations may be performed. Guests have come. Feast should be had in their company.' All this was Baba's Antarjnana, which Chote Khan could not make out then. But, when he went home to perform the fortieth day ceremony of his mother, a very old lady, the widow of the Kazi, was standing at his door and, out of love or friendship for him, paid Rs. 50 into his hands and said, `Perform your ceremonies.' That was the fortieth day of his mother's death, corresponding to Masik Shraadha, and he found his four sisters with their husbands had come in his absence for that ceremony to his house. These were the guests mentioned by Baba. Baba knowing the burdens of Chote Khan had provided funds for the ceremony and helped a bhakta relying solely upon him.

(Imam Bhai Chote Khan, aged about 65 years and resident of Vajapur,Aurangabad district, told to His Holiness Pujyasri B V NarasimhaSwamiji)

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