Thursday, October 9, 2008



Fakir Durvesh Shah told Chote Khan of Sai Baba in 1910, and asked him to go and see him and gave him some further direction. Soon, Chote Khan went to see Sai Baba. That was his first visit. Baba was then standing in a lane and a lady was bowing to him. As advised by Durvesh Shah, Chote Khan went and stood behind Baba and recited the first chapter of the Koran behind Baba's back. When he began it with Bhismilla, Baba at once turned round and faced him and said angrily, `Who are you? Why have you come to ask me about something as if you are my father?' Baba showered abuse on Chote Khan. Baba then went to the Mosque and uttered words, which Chote Khan could not understand.Chote Khan went and sat in front of the Masjid, as he could not get into it without Baba's permission. That permission was given only two days later. Kaka Dixit and others interceded on his behalf. In intercession, Dixit said pointing to Chote Khan, `Baba, thesechildren are yours. Why are you angry with them? Baba replied, `You call him a child? He has beaten the master to death.' This referred to a recent escapade of Chote Khan, who was a Nizam's Sepoy in the Mamlatdar's office. Then he had beaten a Christian teacher or Master who had failed to give prompt information in a police investigation, at which this Chote Khan was assisting. The Master bled in the mouth and fell senseless. The Mamlatdar then advised Chote Khan to resign and go away. So, he resigned and ran away from the Nizam's State, but was still afraid that there might be prosecution, and that was one of the reasons why he visited Baba. That day Baba did not allow him. Two or three days later, one Kasim Bhai, son of Bade Baba, Jog and Dixit, all three took this Chote Khan up to the Mosque. Then Baba allowed him to take darshan. Baba said, `Do not fear. Allah Malik, that is, there would be no prosecution.' He stayed on for a little less thantwo months after which Baba said, `You go back safe. Your land dispute will be settled amicably.' This was one of the matters on which he wanted to consult Baba, namely, litigation then pending between him and his paternal aunt, who was also his mother-in-law. As Baba said, that litigation ended in his favour and he obtained possession of the lands.

(Imam Bhai Chote Khan, aged about 65 years and resident of Vajapur, Aurangabad district, told to His Holiness Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji)

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