Thursday, October 9, 2008

Baba's Help - Baba drew diseases on to himself

Baba's Help - Baba drew diseases on to himself

Baba's way of saving people from disease was sometimes very peculiar and unrecognisable. Baba drew diseases on to himself, a peculiarity which sometimes, a perfected saint exhibits. Baba was seated at the Mosque, and Mrs. Sadasiva Tarkhad with some peculiar eye disease, which was paining her for a long time, sat in front of him, and her eyes were watering. Suddenly her eyes ceased water, but Baba's eyes began to water. She was surprised to see that, when even the diagnosis of the disease was very difficult for ordinary surgeons, and the cure thereof much more difficult, Baba at one stroke drew the disease on from her to himself and cured her. Similarly when she had neuralgic head-ache, which made life so miserable for her as to drive her to court death. She got rid of it by having a dip in the cold water of Godavari at Kopergaon on her way to Shirdi. When she came out of the water, the neuralgic head-ache had left for ever. Baba's drawing disease to himself is also noticed in two or three other remarkable cases.

The first is the case of Balwant Khaparde. Plague was raging at Shirdi, and Balwant caught it. He had a bubo in his groin, and Mrs. Khaparde, his mother, was weeping and wondering whether she had brought her family to Shirdi in order to court death. Baba told her in figurative language that everything would end favourably. But she could not understand it. Then Baba, who always wore a kupni, showed that he had drawn the bubo to himself. Shama, who was then present, even when he narrated it in 1940 to HisHighness Pujyasri B.V. Narasimha Swamiji, was choked with tears at the idea of Baba's self sacrifice, sacrificing his own life for the sake of his devotees. As a result of his drawing the bubo from Balwant to himself, both were cured. Balwant was cured and Baba was cured Baba said, `My orders are supreme'. And Balwant was saved.

Besides Balwant Khaparde, there is another case of Baba drawing bubonic plague to himself to save his devotees. A Superintendent of Police in Bombay State went up to Goa, and there caught plague. Baba appeared in a dream or vision to him and said, 'Do not fear, Get your bubo opened up by the doctor, and you will be cured'' At the same time Baba was saying at Shirdi 'The rascal has sent me a Goa mango'', and he showed bubo on his own person to the bhaktas there. He appeared at the same time to the Superintendent's wife at Ahmednagar in her dream and told her, `Your husband has sent me a Goa mango. It will be alright soon. Do not fear', and disappeared.

The lady could not understand the meaning of Baba's words. So, she came to Shirdi and asked Baba. Baba made her stay there for some days. Meanwhile the Superintendent returned from Goa to Shirdi, and then everything was explained, and the people saw how Baba had drawn the plague tohimself from the Superintendent and saved him.

Baba sacrifice of his health for the sake of his devotees is found in certain statement made by him. At the close of 1910, when G.S. Khaparde visited him, Baba said, `For two years I have been so ill as to live on mere bread and water. I have string-worm (guinea worm). People rush, and give me no rest. This will continue till I go back to the place of my origin. I do not mind it, because I care for more for my people than for my own health.' In fact it is believed that he gave up his own life in 1918 as a substitute for, and to save Tatya Patil's life. He loved Tatya Patil very dearly, not only because his mother and family fed him from the very beginning but also because Tatya Patil himself was closely attached to him and spent 10 or 11 years sleeping with him at night at the Masjid, till he got married.

Baba put his hands into the fire on one occasion, and his skin was badly scorched. Shama had to pull out his hands from the dhuni. When asked he did so, Baba replied, `Let the cursed hand go. A child had fallen into the fire, and I had to pick it up. `It was learnt soonafter that a smith's wife was sitting by the smithy fire with a child on her lap. Leaving the child aside, she went out, and the child fell into the smithy fire. Luckily it was saved, and the reason appears to have been that Baba pulled it out by mystic means seated as he was at the Dwarakamayee. When Baba was asked to attend to his injured hand, he said, `Allah is my doctor', and the doctors sent from Bombay and other places were sent back. The only thing that Baba did was to allow Bagoji, his leper attendant, to smear his scalded hand with ghee and tie it up with cloth for a year. This scalding was healed long prior to that, but Bagoji continued to serve Baba.

Baba offered his own throat to Mir Jaman, the ruffian, who with the drawn sword at midnight, wanted Baba's permission to cut the throat of the Hindu devotees sleeping there. Instead Baba said, `Cut my throat', and this cured the ruffian of his fanaticism.

One Narvekar, who was suffering from high fever, had sent Rs.500 through his son to be given to Baba and he hoped that if Baba accepted that amount, he would be free from fever. When the son came to Shirdi and paid the money, Baba received it, and at once he began to shake with fever. When bystanders asked, `Baba, what is this?', Baba said, `One had to undertake to bear the pains of others'. So, Baba got the fever and Narvekar's fever left him. Baba also was cure. Transfer of disease is very difficult to understand, just like the transfer of sin (papa) or good deeds (punya). "Shisya papam Gurum rajeth" Baba said that he undertook to bear all the burdens, responsibilities and sins of his Ankita children himself.

How a sin committed by a devotee could get transferred to the Guru is rather difficult to understand, for sin is not a commodity to be handed over from hand to hand. Strangely enough, there are mantravadhis who by their mantras invest a ball with power to take the pain from one to another. If a man has been stung by a scorpion or other poisonous creatures, then this ball is handed over to that man, and he hands it over to another and the second man gets the pain with ball. He transfer it to a third. This has been seen. this is a remarkable phenomenon, and perhaps may suggest the possibility of sins also being transferred by some mysterious process from one person to another.

Baba has also helped people to overcome disease, mental and physical. Let us take the physical first. Baba used to treat with drugs very serious cases of cobra bite, leprosy, tuberculosis, asthama, etc., and effect cures. later, after he had obtained Sakshatkara of God, that is, attained divine powers in himself, he cured people of diseases by merely giving udhi and offering the blessing `Allah Acha Karega'. The udhi cured the people of their diseases. Such cases are too numerous to be included in a single book. the cure through udhi was widely prevalent even before Mahasamadhi in 1918 and the numberof cases of cure through udhi after 1918 that are reported in `Sai Sudha', `Sai Lila' and the other papers is prodigious, and all sorts of diseases have been cured by udhi; and not merely men but also animals. For instance, cows suffering from udder disease, orsuffering from pain at calving time, were helped by udhi and greatly benefited.

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