Thursday, October 9, 2008



Baba himself said, `God has agents everywhere; they have vast powers, I have very great powers'. He used these powers to save his children. This danger had happened in 1914, even though he had given a hint in 1913, when he said, `We should not trust mad men', a hint that could not be understood then by Santaram of Dahanu. So Baba was clearlywatching from Shirdi, his devotees at Dahanu, hundreds of miles away, because they were his trusting children, the children of Dwarakamayee or Masudi Ayi, hour to hour, day to day and year after year. This power of having his eye of vigilant supervision on all those who love Him, has been declared by him. So Santaram was more than everconvinced that Baba was a divine personage with divine powers and divine kindness which he exercised on behalf of everyone who placed his entire faith in him even though such persons may number many thousands living in thousands of places.

In 1915, another instance occurred to Baba's grace and protection. Santaram with H.M Panse and others were travelling in a bullock cart at night in a dense jungle. This was at the Ranshet pass, notorious for its being infested with tigers. It was a dark night. Suddenly the bulls of the cart took fright and were moving backwards. Luckily, they were not dragging the cart sideways, as it was a hill pass, with a steep slope on one side of a narrow road. had the bulls dragged the cart that side, it would have been all over with them. then Panse pointed with his hand to something and Santaram saw the gleaming eyes of a tiger couching on the road. Panse wished to save the cart from being pushed into the ravine, and so wanted to get down and place big stones or sticks as a brake to the wheels. So, he asked Santaram to hold the reins of the bulls. As he held them he roared, `Hail Sai Baba! Run Sai Baba to our help'. The others also begin to shout and the tiger got frightened at the volume of sound and ran away by the side of their cart. so, it was faith in Baba and the courage that Baba gave Santaram that saved the situation.

In 1915, after this incident, Santaram started for Shirdi. At the railway station, one V S Samant gave Santaram a coconut and two annas to buy sugarcandy to be presented to Baba. When Santaram went to the Shirdi Masjid, he gave Baba the coconut, but forgot all about the two annas or the sugarcandy. He asked Baba leave to go back. Baba said,'`Yes, you may go via Chitale, But why keep back a poor Brahmin's two annas?' Santaram had frequent experiences like this of Sai Baba's eye of supervision and antarjnana of everything that happened to his baktas everywhere. When Santaram gave the two annas, Baba said, `Whatever you undertake to do, do it thoroughly. Else do notundertake to do it'. This is a very valuable instruction applicable to everyone and to all departments of life.

Even after Mahasamadhi, Baba's vigilant eye of supervision is protecting His devotees. It happened in the year 1935, a two year child of Santaram, Ananda by name, was very active and very mischievous; he ran up against the stove on which milk was boiling.He dashed against the whole stove and vessel, and would have expected that his clothes would have caught fire from the stove and the skin scalded by the boiling milk. But neither happened. The milk vessel fell on one side. the stove flew on the other side. In between Ananda full of Anandam, that is, without any injury, sorrow or trouble.

We will take another instance of fire. This was in 1926. Sai Haranath, his little child of nine months old, was along with the other children, playing upstairs. The mother, the only guardian or caretaker, who ought to have been present was down on the street. Itwas deepavali time. One of the older children lighted a squib or cracker and flung it. It fell upon Haranath. None of the children noticed it or considered it serious. Ordinarily the child, who wore two clothes, one under the waist and the other above waist close tothe skin would have been burnt to death. But what happened?. In the street, suddenly a fakir appeared, who shouted to the lady. `Go up. See what is there. Without knowing what it was, she ran up, just as soon as the incident occurred, and found both, neither cloth and the frock of Sai were burning. With her hands she boldly seized the burning the cloths and extinguished the flame. She found that the child's clothes on the upper portion and nether portion were mostly burnt out. yet what happened to the child? Wonder of wonders! Not a bit of scar or burn was on the child; she had come very early to thechild's rescue. Now how could she come from the street just in time to extinguish the flame? Who could the fakir be? When she got down with a view to thank the fakir, the fakir had gone. This again is the watchful eye of supervision, `on those that love Me and those that belong to them'.

There was another incident connected with the same child Sai, when he was two years old. He, like rest of the children, was active, healthy and vigorous. he was playing upstairs. At one end of the terrace, there was a broken wall – a portion of the wall, which ought to have been there, was recently knocked down for purposes of repair. Notnoticing its absence, this Sai rushed up and fell down over the debris below. the father was very anxious, and he ran up to see whether the boy was alive or how far he was injured. But Sai was standing and laughing. He said, `Baba held me up in his arms as Ifell'. Can a two year old child imagine and tell a lie? Again, we have Baba's eye of supervision, just as he saved Santi Kirvandikar, a three year old child as she fell into a well at Shirdi before 1918.

Then once there was danger to the children from swallowing a poisonous thing. The children were rummaging up Santaram's drawers, and found what they thought was a box of peppermint. An older child, Kalu Ram, put one fancied lozenge in his mouth and handed over another to a younger child. But the taste of it was bitter and the small quantity he had tasted or swallowed made him uneasy. So, he went up to his mother, and the mother thought, looking into his outstretched tongue, which still had a bit of the lozenge on it, that it was a piece of chunam. Then she took it out. The children werethen asked to show where the box of lozenge was, and they pointed to a box called Pharaoh's snakes as the box of lozenge. This is a deadly poison. It is a compound of magnesium, phosphorous etc., which when lit up, produces a long coil of ashes, which twists in the form of snakes. That is why it is styled, Pharaoh's snake. A doctor was thencalled in, and he gave then an enema. But that failed to act. Then Santaram took up Baba's udhi and tirta and gave them to the child. The child had a good vomit and as a result was saved. the younger child had evidently not eaten or, at any rate, not eaten much, but even to that child udhi and tirta were given, and that child also had a good vomit and was saved.On another occasion in 1932 Kalu gave a ring to a younger child. Instinctively the child put the ring in to mouth. the ring got stuck in the throat. doctors came and gave enema without any result. Then Santaram gave the child some udhi with tirta and then put his own finger deep into the mouth of the child. He felt where the ring was and pulled it out and thus saved the child.

In 1934 another child aged only three had pneumonia, measles and an abscess on the chest. The child was very weak and was getting weaker and weaker. The doctor was afraid to operate on account of the child's weakness. But Santaram applied antiphlogistine over the abscess and the abscess opened and became a wide open wound. Even thedoctor was afraid to operate. so, Santaram prayed to Baba and put a bit of udhi into the wound. The deputy collector Sri. V.M. Jadhav, learning of this asked him whether he was sure of its being cured and, if so, within what time. He answers '`n 24 hours'' That nightBaba appeared in Santaram'' dream and said, '`Why did you say 24 hours? Why not immediately?' Anyhow in 24 hours the wound was healed. Jadhav was convinced that Baba's udhi was a great blessing and took some udhi for his own son who had pneumonia. that saved his son's pneumonia in 24 hours. One see why in Sai Sahasranamam, it is said of Baba,

Gopeem Sathra Yadha Krishnah
Thadha Nachne Kulavanayah

Sai protected Santaram Nachne's family as Krishna protected the gopis

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