Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Greatness of Baba – as observed by a devotee

Greatness of Baba – as observed by a devotee

`Baba in the mornings would sit near his dhuni and wave his arms and fingers about, making gestures which convey no meaning to the onlookers and saying Haq which means `God'. Baba's methods of imparting spiritual benefit were hardly noticeable. He would speak of god only rarely and that with feeling. His religious practice could hardly be discovered by any one. But Baba's purity, strength, regularity and self-denial were prominent. He would always go and beg his food even during His illness. He would take the begged food and eat only a little of it. the rest would be given away or taken away. Baba's talk would be about Vanis, Telis, and they looked like meaningless jargon. But it was intentionally so. Baba's words would be understood only by these whom he intended to enlighten.

Jayamani Jaisa Bhav,
Taya Taysa Anubhav

says the arati song. That is, You get an experience of Baba in accordance with what you think of him. Baba's stoic indifference to comforts was most impressive. He did not acre for any comforts, not even for his residence. The Mosque, which was a worthless, rumbling, old and dilapidated building, and though it needed repairs, he put up with. He did not want it to be repaired, and when others tried to repair it, he obstructed their efforts. It was only at night when he went to the chavadi on alternate days that the reconstruction of the mosque could be pushed through. In one night they had to put up the whole flooring.

Baba had no particular marga, as the yoga marga etc., But if any person came to grief in his yoga marga, he could give relief. One yoga sadhaka had bleeding piles and came to Baba and got relief at Baba's hands. His liberality and generosity were remarkable. He would daily get dakshina in three figures; one hundred to three hundreds. He scattered the whole thing away. Bhajan parties and fakirs were liberally supplied when they came up, and they were always coming up. His self control and equanimity were equally remarkable. he had no particular preference of one dish over another, though some peoplethought he liked mangoes or sira or even country beans. He was accessible at all hours of the day and night to people. He himself said, My durbar is always open at all hours. All his actions were open and above board. There was nothing done in secrecy. He hadnothing shameful to conceal as no fear from scrutiny. His most marked feature was perfect calm and total freedom from care and anxiety. He had no interests to serve or protect no institutions to support, no acquisitions to safeguard and no private property to feel anxious about. With a very large daily income, he left only Rs.16 at the moment of his passing away from his body. He was perfectly just and impartial. He was not obsequious to the rich and highly placed nor supercilious and contemptuous to the lowly. Revenue Commissioners and collectors and lower officials came in large numbers, and D.Os., D.C.s., and Mamlatdars poured in. Also there came the ragamuffins in the street, paupers and beggars ad nauseam. He treated them all with perfect equality. Baba's personality was far greater than of any other saint.

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