Wednesday, October 8, 2008



In this article we shall consider how far Baba helped his devotees and their families in the matter of regaining health and cure of disease. As for prevention, Baba knew exactly by his wonderful insight where the germs of a disease were and which disease would kill, and which would not kill. For instance, in Narke's case, he asked him to bring halwa from the shop of a sweetmeat maker, who had died of plague. The halwa taken from the plague infected house and distributed to all as naivedya did not hurt a single person. Similarly Baba knew exactly where the danger lay, and told people when they came with a complaint that cholera epidemic had come into the village, `Do not be frightened, there will be only seven deaths, and after this, this epidemic will cease'. Baba knew exactly where the disease was running, how far it would run, and when it would stop. Therefore, he would give directions for the prevention of, or escape from disease.

The readers would remember in the case of S.B. Dumal, who was living in plague-infected Nasik, that when plague dad attacked his neighbours and his neighbourhood, Baba kept him in his plague- infected bungalow. Even when his own well had dead rats, Dhumal remained there, and there not the slightest damage to him or to his family, while in the town 16 or 19 cases of plague deaths were reported. Baba's knowledge, therefore, as to where exactly infection was, was marvelous, and he could direct people aright so as to save themselves from death from plague as he could direct them against death from snakes. In this connection the readers will remember Baba's advising Kaka Dixit that he would have a few days fever and that he would surely regain health.

Numerous cases in which Baba guarded people from snake bite have been referred already. Mrs. Sadasiva Tarkhad, whose eyes were defective, going about at night in the lanes of Shirdi, where there was absolutely no street lighting, was about to tread upon a snake when, suddenly by an internal impulse, evidently granted by her Guru Baba, she stopped dead in the middle, without knowing why. A lamp was brought very soon and they saw a serpent in the place where she was about to place her foot. Baba similarly saved Mr. Buty, a millionaire. He also saved Baba Sahib Merikar, a Sardar at Ahmednagar, from snake bite at Chitale station. The protection by Baba did not cease with his Mahasamadhi. After his Mahasamadhi and after his fame pervaded the southern portion of the Indian continent, devotees have always had Baba's protection. Cases have been reported in Sai Sudha how bhakthas treading or about to tread on snakes were saved by Baba. There was such a case in Tindivanam. But the one reported from Shanti Ashram, Thotapalli Hills, Visakhapatnam District, Andra state in the year 1954. There, Baba's most recent leelas have taken place from March onwards. A lady devotee proceeding at dusk from the Swami's Ashram to her own cottage suddenly trod upona snake, and cries out `Om Sai'. She escaped from any harm, for the snake quietly moved on without hurting her. Similar cases are reported elsewhere, and bhaktas who concentrate on Baba with their attention have nothing to fear, for Baba's eye of vigilantsupervision is on all those who love him, and that is a charter which they may very well rely upon. As far saving life, there are various other cases also.

Baba saved lives, and expressly commissioned people to go and save the lives of children dying or about to die. For instance, when at Nimon, a child was in serious peril, and when Somnath Nimonkar, a Police Sub-Inspector, was taking leave of Baba, Baba gave him udhi and told him, `Porala Jiva lao'. that is, `Save the child'. He could not understand anything at the time. But when he reached his father's home at Nimon, he discovered that the child there was actually dying, and people had give up hopes. He had lost the udhi given by Baba. But he took up child on his lap, and then began to pray to Baba . In 15minutes, the child given up as lost revived. Thus Baba had saved the child's life.

Another case of a bhakta's life being saved would be remembered by students of Baba's Gospel. Baba used to say about a child that was sleeping before him `When this baby sleeps, we have to stand up, keep awake, and watch or take trouble'. In accordance with Aditya Hridayam,

Esha Supteshu Jagarti
Bhuteshu Parinishtitah
This means, `(This) Sun god is carefully watching when creatures are sleeping'. Baba proved the truth of his careful watching or guardianship on several occasions. Shanti Kirvandikar, a child of two or three years, living at Shirdi, used to say of Baba was her elder brother. Baba loved the child, as he loves all devotees. There are many wells without parapet walls in Shirdi. One day this child was running about and suddenly dropped into a well with plenty of water in it, and would have surely drowned. but there were persons at some distance who noticed that the child had suddenly disappeared. They ran up and found that the child was holding on to the edge of a rock and laughing. When asked, Shanti said, `When I fell, Baba held me in his arms and left me in this position. People will remember Baba's saying, `I will not allow any devotee to come to harm. I have to take thought for my devotee, and if a devotee is about to fall, I stretch out my hands and thus, with four outstretched hands at a time, support him. I will not let him fall'. It is thus the child saved.

Another instance will be remembered by the reader in S.B. Nachne's family. Nachne's little two year old child fell down from upstairs and when the father ran up expecting to see the child seriously injured the child was there whole and laughing and said, `Baba held me in his arms as I fell and left me here unhurt'.

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