Baba's cures with udhi are really cures by his divine powers. In several cases, he did not use even udhi, but effected cures by word or glance. For instance, in the case of Mahlsapathy's wife, Baba told him one day that his wife, who was in a distance village, had a tumour near her throat, which nobady could cure especially as in a village surgeons capable of treating throat tumour were not to be found, and that he would cure her. The lady was absolutely poor and had no means to pay either for the doctors or for medicine. But Baba said, `I shall cure her', Mahlsapathy was not even aware of this tumour. But much later, he got a letter a letter from his wife had such a tumour and that was cured. Similarly, when H.S. Dixit was with Baba and got a letter that his brother at Nagpur was seriously ill, Dixit regretted his inability to go and help, and told Baba, `I am of no service'. Baba said, `I am of service'. The significance of that could not be made out at the time, But Dixit learnt later that a sadhu appeared at Nagpur when Baba was speaking with him and, using the words `I am of service', cured his brother, and saved him.
Baba's ability to cure by pure will-power is nothing strange when people study the way in which our nervous organisms and our brain react upon the diseased condition of the body. in some strange way, Baba is able to effect cure, and the best illustration we can give of Baba's means and methods will be the latest case of this sort that was reported in the September issue of `Sai Sudha', 1953. Mr. Champaklala Chamanlal Mankewala, B.A., L.L.B., a practicing lawyer of Ahmedababd, of 12 years standing, at Relief Road in Ahmedabab, developed gastric ulcer and his body swelled and weight increased to 300 pounds and heart beat and pulse could not be felt by the doctor. he was vomiting blood. This condition remained for several months, and the doctor finally declared the case hopeless. By that time Mankewala had begun to believe in Baba and to pray to him. he kept Baba's picture in front of him. After the doctor declared his case hopeless, baba gave him Sakshatkar, came in person and walked into the room where Mankewala and his mother were present. He told them not to have any anxiety, but simply to send the elder son of Mankewala to Shirdi, and added that as soon as they received a telegram from him, improvement in Mankewala's health would begin. The doctors thought that the whole thing was a hallucination, and the relatives thought it was foolhardy to send away the elder son, just at the time when his presence would be needed in case of death fordoing the funeral ceremony. But Mankewala and his mother had full faith in Baba, and so sent the elder son to Shirdi, and when the son's telegram was received, Baba's way of operating was noticed. Mankewala's body was placed upon a stool chair, and he went onpurging. For twenty-four hour she had motions, and he was passing urine also abundantly. As the motions and urine left him, his body dwindled so that at the end of twenty-four hours, the weight of his body, was reduced from 300 to 75 pounds. Meanwhile, the doctors who had pronounced the case hopeless, came up and noticed what was happening. They were surprised that there could be any treatment for such a case, and that without any medicine purging and urination could go on to such an extent. Finally at the close of 24 hours the heart-beat and pulse were found to be normal, and thereafter steadily the patient improved. After two months he was all right, and again fit for practice. He went on pilgrimage, and Baba sent him from Adayar to Mylapore(Chennai) in August 1953, and in the All india Sai Samaj, before His Highness Pujyasri B.V. Narasimha Swamiji and other devotees, he gave a statement of the above facts. So, people would notice what marvellous ways Baba has of operating upon minds andbodies of persons, and to pull out of a patient from the jaws of death. this is only one of many cases which have occurred. Readers of the `Sai Sudha' and of books on Baba would have noticed that, long after Baba's Mahasamadhi, his udhi used with full faith, has helped in easing delivery pains and saving people in various serious conditions.
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