`There was such power and penetration in the glance that none could continue to look at his eyes. One felt that Sai Baba was reading him or her through and through. Soon one lowered one's eyes and bowed down. One felt that he was not only in one's heart but in every atom of one's body. A few words, a gesture would reveal to one that Sai Baba knew all about the past and the present and even the future and everything else. There was nothing else to do for one, except to submit trustfully and to surrender oneself to him. And there He was to look after every minute detail and guide one safe through everyturn and every vicissitude of life. He was the Antaryami – call him God or Satpurusha In Sahajasthithi or what you like. But the overpowering personality was there, and, in his presence no doubts, no fears, no questionings had any place and one resigned oneself andfound that was the only course, the safest and the best course'.
From her first contact, she went on getting experiences of his power, his All-knowing and All-pervasive personality, and all his protecting care shielding her whereever she went at any time whatsoever. She had become Baba's Ankita, by complete surrender with full faith in him. For the benefit of strangers, she was kind enough to give some instances of Baba's Antaryamitva that she could vouch far from personal experiences or from that of some intimate friends. Shirdi was nototrious for being infested with snakes and is so even now after lighting arrangements are made. When she went there first, there was no street lighting and no village committee was working. She was walking about at night in the street. But suddenly it struck her that she should stop. There was no sight, no sound, nor object visible to account for her stopping. But somehow she felt she must and in a very short time, a light was brought. Then she saw that if she had taken another single step it would have been over a serpent that was lying there, quiet. Bur how she managed to stop then, and why the light came, were never explained to her. It was all Baba's grace, his protection and his ever watchful eye over his children. She says that, like this, `He saved her life again and again on several occasion, both before and after his Mahasamadhi.
One very interesting instance of Baba's Antaryamitva that she gives was in respect of a leper, who came to Baba to take his darsan. The poor man's disease was very far advanced, and he had very little strength. he was stinking all over. It was with great difficulty that he could slowly get up the three steps of the Mosque, and then like every visitor he had to go to the dhuni to pick upthe ashes and then give it to Sai Baba, placing his head on Baba's feet. This lady being fairly near, found that his prolonged presence and the intense stench he gave out, was very difficult to bear. At last he moved off, and then she felt relief and said within herself, `Thank god, He is off.' Sai Baba at once looked at her, sending her a piercing glance. Of course he knew her thought. he ordered the leper to be brought back. The man came. Slowly he clambered up, full of his stench and bowed again. He was carrying a parcel in his hand – a very dirty parcel. Baba took it up and asked `What is this.' and opened it. It had pedas. Baba picked up a piece and gave one piece to the lady and put a bit into his own mouth. Baba said to the lady `eat'. There was no option but to obey and she had to eat it. Then the man was sent back with the rest of the pedas. This is what he wished, that is, that Sai Baba should accept a part of the peda, and return the rest as prasad. Baba satisfied him, though that man had not the courage first when he arrived there, to present the dirty packet to Baba. Baba used the occation to teach her valuable lessons in humanity, fraternity, sympathy, endurance and trust in Baba's supreme wisdom, which knows when there is danger and when there is none. She did not contact leprosy of course. She declares that whenever they had difficulties to get over, they had simply to stay or stand in baba's presence, without the necessity to utter a single word. Baba knew at once everything in the minds of his children, and would do the needful himself. She gives one instance.
They had taken their servant with them, who was suffering from pain in the waist. as there was no hospitals at Shirdi, her husband went up and stood before Baba. At once Baba said, `My whole leg is paining. The pain is Great'. Someone suggested, `Why not do something to relieve the pain.' `Yes' said Baba `if green leaves are heated andapplied over it, the pain will go away.' `What leaves, Baba?' the asked. Baba said, ` The green leaves near Lendi.' `Is it korphad?' somebody asked, `Yes' said Baba, and added, if that is brought, split into two, warmed over the fire and applied, it will do. Her husbandknew at once that it was Baba's prescription for their servant and he took up korphad, warmed it over the fire, and applied it to his servant's waist. That man cured.
Baba's saving her from the snake was not the only instance in which she found that Baba was present, invisibly keeping a watch over her and other children in all places. She had other instances also proving the same. As regards her physical health – her eyes were giving her great trouble. She went and sat before Baba. the eyes were paining and water was flowing freely from them. Baba looked at her. Then the eyes ceased to pain and water ceased to flow. But tears were trickling down from Baba's own eyes. The accurate diagnosis of diseases take doctors much time and efforts, and to discover appropriate remedy takes more time and more efforts. In the case of Baba, the diagnosis, the remedy and everything was instantaneous. A deep-seated organic disease abruptly and suddenly got cured; and the power of drawing disease from her to himself by pure will power, wassomething marvellous and something uncommon. Few would care even if they have the power to draw disease to themselves.
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