Thursday, December 11, 2014

Guruvaar Prarthna

Guruvaar Prarthna


Our Beloved Sadguru Sainath, please accept our humble prayers on this Holy day of Guruvaar. We are always praying You and seeking Your help to ward off our troubles. Our simple mind in this fast world expecting fast results for our prayers, please help us to follow Your Shraddha and Shaburi and grant us right solution at right time. Our wandering mind disturbing our concentration during prayer, help us to steer our mind at the right direction and make our prayers a happy experience. On this day, we absorb your advice and try to lead a life desired by you.


His household will always be prosperous, and he will not want for anything till he lives. If he resorts to ME with full faith, his difficulties will be removed.


There will be persons who say that they will behave as they like, as they have strayed from the path. Those who have turned their backs on religious observances, turn away from such people first.


If you come across them, swerve away from them. Consider them to be very dangerous. Be afraid of even their shadows and go out of the way to avoid them.


One who is lawless, immoral, thoughtless, without any purpose, who cannot distinguish between right and wrong – how will he achieve any good in life?


But without some special bonds of past lives no one comes to us. May it be a dog, a pig or a fly. So do not repulse anybody.


Henceforth, he should serve Me with love and devotion. The Supreme Being will bless him. He will receive a permanent treasure.


In what manner should he worship? Who am I? How can he know with certainty? Sai's body is perishable, while Brahman is imperishable".


"All pervading as I am, I am the personification of the eightfold nature".So revealed the Lord to Arjuna while expounding the Gita. "


"The world made of movable and immovable objects, of names and forms, is manifested by ME in the form of the eightfold nature. The phenomenon is created by ME only.


The mystical symbol 'Aum' expresses ME. I am the only connotation of it. In the whole of the universe, there exists a multitude of things but I am immanent in all of them.


There is nothing but the Atman, so what desire should there be? I am all exhaustive in everything in all ten directions.


I bow down to Sree Ganesh

I bow down to Sree Saraswati

I bow down to the Guru

I bow down to the Family Deity

I bow down to Sree Sita-Ramachandra

I bow down to Sree Sadguru Sainath.

-(from Shri Sai Samartha Satchrita, Chapter 3, Ovi 77 - 87)



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