Thursday, December 25, 2014

Guruvaar Prarthna

Guruvaar Prarthna


Our Beloved Sadguru Sainath, please accept our humble prayers on this Holy day of Guruvaar. Being most auspicious day today, we pledge to watch our speech, watching every word. Speaking no word that is impure or vulgar, or that can affect the feelings of others. We never allow an unclean thought to enter our mind. If it does enter our mind, we drive it away at once. Baba, help us to strengthen our resolve, guide us to forgive those harm us, help us to give love for hatred, overcome evil by good. On this holy day of Guruvaar, we start our prayer by reading few ovi verses from Your Satcharita.

These are not my words. They are the profound words of Sai. Do not think that they are worthless. Do not try to evaluate them. 

Bad company is absolutely harmful. It is the abode of severe miseries. Unknowingly, it would take you to the by-lanes, bypassing the highway of happiness.


Without the one and only Sainath or without a Sadguru, who else can purify the ill-effects of bad company?


Words spoken by the Guru, out of compassion, oh devotees retain them in your heart! Your bad deeds will be washed away.


The beauty of nature satisfies our eyes. Our aesthetic sense is attracted to it and enjoys it. If we divert that very sense, it would delight in 'Satsang'.


Such is the greatness of 'Satsang' that it completely destroys bodily pride or ego. Therefore, there is no other means than 'Satsang'.


Always do 'Satsang'. All other means have some faults. Only 'Satsang' is flawless. It is pure in every way.


 'Satsang' destroys the bodily attachments. Such is the power of its strength. Once there is firm faith in it, there is truly liberation from the mundane world.


If one is fortunate in having 'Satsang' then one understands the preaching easily. At that very moment desire for bad company will melt away. The mind will be free to enjoy the 'Satsang'.


In order to attain final emancipation, the only remedy is to have detachment of the senses. Unless one has a keen desire for 'Satsang', one cannot realise one's true identity.


Happiness is followed by unhappiness; and unhappiness follows happiness. One welcomes happiness, while one turns away from unhappiness.


Whether you face happily or turn your back on your destiny, what will be, will be,. But to liberate oneself from both kinds of destined experiences, the company of the Saint is the only way.


Because of 'Satsang' bodily attachment is destroyed. It is 'Satsang' that breaks the cycle of birth and death. It is 'Satsang' that gains the treasure of supreme energy and separates one from the worldly ties immediately.


To attain the highest state, the company of a Saint is purifying. If one surrenders completely, our permanent peace is assured.


I bow down to Sree Ganesh

I bow down to Sree Saraswati

I bow down to the Guru

I bow down to the Family Deity

I bow down to Sree Sita-Ramachandra

I bow down to Sree Sadguru Sainath.

-(from Shri Sai Samartha Satchrita, Chapter 10, Ovi 136 - 149)


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