Friday, December 26, 2014



1. Always be truthful. Truth is always victorious.

2. Always be happy.

3. Be patient in your bad times. Always face your troubles with courage and tolerance.

4. Do all your work diligently, carefully and enthusiastically. A diligent person can overcome any problems and never lose his cool. A careful person always produces good work and an enthusiastic person derives enjoyment from his work.

5. Be humble. Never boast.

6. Be just. Never ne unfair to others.

7. Be generous in your appreciation of others. If others do good work, show your appreciation by sincere praise.

8. Don't lose temper. Do not become excited and angry. Try to control your anger.

9. Obey all the rules regarding your family, school, elders, officers, village, city, country and Nation. Never neglect or break rules.

10. Accept success or failure in your work. Do not become vain with your success or depressed with your failure. If you succeed, there is always room for improvement. If you fail, there is always scope to work hard and succeed.

11. Be polite. Always show good manners and conduct yourself with dignity wherever you are. Never be abrupt or rude to anybody.

12. Never waste words. Always speak politely, briefly and with understanding. Always speak to the point.

13. Always be compassionate. Don't do any good if you cannot, but never never hurt anyone. Always stand by a person who is facing tough times and help him/her.

14. Everyone can accomplish easy tasks. Always aspire to do difficult tasks and attain higher goals in life.

15. Instead of doing work for enjoyment, try to learn to get enjoyment from any kind of work.

16. Think of the result before doing any deed. If it is a good deed, don't delay.

17. When taking your meals, always pray and thank God for giving you food to eat. Take your meals as 'prasad' as a gift of God.

18. Always take nutritious and simple food so that you have a healthy body with which to do good deeds and service to others.

19. Always do good deed during day so you can sleep without any guilt at night. When you sleep, say your prayers and think of your day, think of what you have done, think of your mistakes and learn from your mistakes.

20. When you get up in the morning, bow to your parents and elders, say your prayers and begin your day.

21. God is omnipresent. You can't do anything without His knowledge. So whatever you do, keep Him with you, let Him be a witness to all your deeds. He will help you to keep on the path of righteousness.

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