Friday, December 12, 2014



Are you searching for a solution to some situation, hesitant to take action concerning a decision that should be made? Let God guide you! 

Do you yearn for peace of mind, renewed strength, courage, and faith? 

Let God guide you? 

Would you like to live everyday of your life joyously, confident of success, secure in the assurance that the path you are following is God's Will for you? 

Let God guide you? 

"Yes," you may say, "I want to be decisive, confident, able to cope with every situation that arises. I have prayed for guidance, but I still feel insecure, unsure that the right ones. How do I know that God is guiding me? 

The answer to this question may seem complex to the searching heart, yet it is stirringly simple to the one who has discovered the assurance of walking with God. You know that God is guiding you when you have a depth of inner peace and strength, when you can remain calm and poised regardless of how things look or seem. 

There is a blessing in every experience that comes to you. When you realize this, your trust is in God; you ytravel the pathway that follows God' road map for you. Even though this course may contain detours and curves, you will ultimately reach your destination. When you are constantly aware of your oneness with God, constantly aware that God is in you and in all persons that you abide in His presence and power you can be sure that God in his infinite wisdom is guiding and directing you. 

God's Will for each of His children is a happy, healthy, abundant life, a life rich with His blessings. God's good is unlimiyted. When you have an experience that fails to measure up to your expectation of happiness and fulfilment, you can release any feeling of anxiety and rest in the knowledge that God's Will for you is happiness and well-being. The events and experiences in your life increase your spiritual growth and enrich your awareness of God's good in your affairs. 

If there are personal problems and difficult decisions to make, it is encouraging and comforting to know that God is present in all persons and all situations. God understands your deepest needs and desires of everyone concerned by any decision you make or action you take. Regardless of the circumstances of your life, regardless of how the situation of the present moment may seem, you can place your trust in God and His guidance. You can know that He will direct you. You may not always know the channel though which your help will come, or even its method of reaching you, but you can be confident that, through prayer, God's help and guidance will come to you. 

To be an open, receptive channel for God's direction, you need to become quiet and still. You need to centre your thought and attention on God instead of the problem that is troubling you. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee," As you turn within to the presence of God at the centre of your being, our straining and struggling will cease. New depths of peace and tranquillity will be yours. Greater understanding will increase your ability to stabilize your emotions. You will relax and become poised as you commune with God. Your answer will be revealed to you. 

You are never alone. God is with you every moment. God is always there to help you, to encourage you, to direct you. Accept His blessings, abide in His peace. Let God Guide you!



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