Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sarve bhavantu sukhinah

Sarve bhavantu sukhinah

May all be happy


Om sarve bhavantu sukhinah, Sarve santu niraamayaah

Sarve bhadraani pashyantu, Maa kashchid dukh bhaagbhaveet.


O Lord in Thee may all be happy. May all be free from misery. May all realise goodness and may no one suffer pain.


Saba kaa bhalaa karo bhagawaan, Saba para dayaa karo bhagawaan.

Saba par kripaa karo bhagawaan, Saba kaa saba vidhee ho kalyaan.


Lord, please look to the good of all, kindness to all and blessings for all, may good come to all of us in every form.


Sukhee base sansaara saba, Dukhiyaa rahe na koy,

Ye abilaashaa ham sab ki, Bhagawana poori hoy.


May all be happy in the world - let none be unhappy - this wish we all have and may it come true.


Vidyaa budhhi teja bal, Saba ke bheetara hoy,

Doodha poota dhana dhaanya se, Vanchit rahe no koy.


May all of us receive education, wisdom, brilliance and strength and no one be deprived of health, wealth nor family.


Aapkee bhakti prema se, Mana hoye bharapoor,

Raaga dwesha se chitta hamaaraa, Koson bhaage door.


May our minds be so full of love and devotion towards you, that anger and enemity have no place in it.


Mile bharosaa naama kaa, Hamen sadaa jagadeesha,

Aashaa tere dhaama ki, Banee rahe mama eesha.


May we have the faith of Your name at all times. May the hope of meeting with You always remain in our hearts.


Paapa se hamen bachaaiye, Karke dayaa dayaal,

Apnaa bhakta banaay ke, Sabko karo nihaal.


O Lord, through Your kindness protect us from sins. Make us Your devotees and please save all humanity.


Dila men dayaa udaarataa, Mana men prem pyaar,

Hridaya men dhairya veerataa, Saba ko do kartaar.


May You give all,in our hearts - generosity, in our minds - love, in our hearts - patience and courage.


Naaraayana tuma aap ho, Paapa ke mochanahaar,

Kshamaa karo aparaadha saba, Kar do bhava se paar.


Lord You are the Saviour from sins, forgive all our sins and get us through this untrue world.


Haatha joda vinatee karoon, Suniye kripaa nidhaan,Saadhu sangat sukh deejiye,

Dayaa namrataa daan.Saadhu sangat sukh deejiye, Dayaa namrataa daan.


With folded hands I request You to listen to me - please give me the gift of the company of saintly people, kindness and humility.


Sukhee base sansaara sab, Dukhiyaa rahe na koy,

Ye abhilaashaa ham sabki, Bhagwana pooree hoy.


May all be happy in the world - let none be unhappy - this wish we all have and may it come true.


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