Saturday, December 20, 2014

If We Hurt Anyone It Is Hurting God

 If We Hurt Anyone It Is Hurting God

 A lady used to worship Bhagwan's image in her home and with great reverence bathe, clothe, adorn and feed the Lord. But her behaviour towards everyone else was rude and unpleasant.

 One day a Vaishnav devotee came to her and said that the God whom she worshiped, manifested in his dream and told that He was hungry and asked the devotee to take Him from here to his home.

 The lady was taken back and said that she offers Him every day a great variety of delicious food.

 The Vaishnav narrated God's words: "I do not even look at that woman because she fights with My children and ill-treats them. I do not like to partake the food offered by her." With compassion, the Vaishnav explained to her that God does not accept food offered to Him by someone who fights with His children. We are all children of God. If we hurt anyone, it is hurting God.

 The lady understood and her devotion became so sublime that there remained nothing but God in her consciousness.

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