Sunday, December 28, 2014

Pray Pray and Continue to Pray

Pray Pray and Continue to Pray 

Believe in God! Trust in Him completely. Know that He will always do the very best for you. Therefore co-operate with His Will. Become a willing instrument in the Hands of God. 

Greet difficulties with a smile and meet dangers with love. And never forget that the Mother Divine is ever with you, protecting you, guiding you, guarding you. In the time of crisis feel the thrill of protection. Whisper to yourself, "The Mother is holding me by the hand; and I feel safe and secure!" The Mother never fails. See that you do not fail Her. Trust in Her till the breaking point, and the breaking point will never come! 

Let prayer become a habit with you. Pray, pray and continue to pray. So many of our prayers remain unanswered because we soon grow tired of praying. We become impatient and lose faith. We feel that as God is not going to act for us, we must act for ourselves. Alas! We forget that God always acts at the right time; and if He does not act, it only means that the right time is not yet. This applies not only to material requirements but also to mental and spiritual needs. 

Pray for more and more faith. He who has faith has everything. For verily, "faith moves mountains." Pray for faith as a famished person would pray for food, as a thirty person would pray for water. And what is it to have faith? T0 have faith is feel sure that whatever God does is always for the best. 

The cure of all ills, physical, mental, spiritual, is contact with God. From time to time, detach yourself from your surroundings and enter within yourself, and in silence wait upon God, conscious of His presence. From time to time, engage yourself in loving converse with God. Offer all your work to Him for help before beginning any work; and give gratitude to Him when it is over. 

Accept whatever comes to you. Do not seek the 'pleasant', do not shun the 'unpleasant.' But rejoice in everything that happens. All that has happened, all that is happening and is yet  to happen, all, all is for the best ! Turn out all thoughts of fear and doubt and anxiety. Close the windows and doors of your minds against them as you would against plague germs. Face each trial and tribulation with love and laughter. Meet every situation in life with the favourite prayer. 

He who lives thus knows what it is to feel the thrill of protection and safety, now and forever. No storm can upset him; no news can shock him. In the midst of the most furious gale he is calm and composed as a safely anchored boat. 

Such a one has controlled his passions. He has eliminated his 'self' and entered into a life of holiness and happiness and harmony, the life of true freedom which is the privilege of every son of God. He owns nothing yet all the wealth of all the world belongs to him. He is attached to no one yet all creatures, men and birds and animals, are his friends. He thinks of no one as an alien. All, all are his, his very own. And he breathes out benedictions to all, to the 'good' and the 'bad', to the rich and the poor, to saints and sinners, to thieves and profligates, to the forsaken and fallen ones. And to all he gives the service of love, beholding in them broken images of the Beloved. 

Of one such man, the man of God was a true bhakta of the Lord. He was rich in the wealth, the only wealth that counts, the wealth of love. He loved God with all the intensity of his being. And in acts of daily life, he taught that to love God is to do the Will of God. And if there is one thing which God wills for us, it is this that we love our fellowmen as He Himself loves them. To love our fellowmen is to live for them and, if need be, to die for them! Such a life, as it unfolds from day to day, becomes an unending love-story, indeed, stranger than fiction and richer than a romance!




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