Thursday, December 18, 2014

Guruvaar Prarthna

Guruvaar Prarthna 


Our Beloved Sadguru Sainath, please accept our humble prayers on this Holy day of Guruvaar. How long do You put us to live a life of duality? A life of restlessness and discontent? How long do You want us to continue a life of ignorance, hatred, bitterness? How long do You want us to continue our own selfish struggles? How long do You want us to behold differences and distinctions? How long do You want us to keep the barriers between You and ourselves? Baba all the days you taught us the above are forbidden, but we are living in a society where all those evils are being practiced by many and our efforts to get rid of these evils are unsuccessful. We don't like to live such life as You will not  dwell in our hearts with these characters. Baba bless this day be our first day to lead a life filled with  sacredness and sanctified. We commence our Guruvar Prarthna by reading Your words and follow Your advice as prescribed.


The work of the mind is to think. There is not a single moment when one does not think. If the subject is the senses, the mind will think of the senses; but if it is the Guru, it will think of the Guru.


By listening with concentrated attention (turning all senses into ears) whatever you have heard about the greatness of the Guru, that is effortless "smaran" (remembrance), and " kirtan " (stories in praise of the Lord) of Sai.


" Panchagni-sadhan" (rituals), performing sacrifices and burning sacrificial fires, recitations of 'mantras', 'tantras' (chants and spells), practising "ashtang" yoga, are only possible for the Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishnavas. What is the use of these for others?!


Such are not the stories of the Saints. They put everyone on the path of righteousness. They remove the worldly fears and miseries and appear themselves for the welfare of the others, in attaining the goal of life.


By listening and reflecting over the stories of the Saints, by their studious application and intent contemplation, the Brahmins, the low-castes and the women are purified.


There is no person (human being) without attachment. It is not possible for such a being to exist. Some are attached to certain things and some others to something else. But a human being is looking for attachment.


For some, the object of attachment is children; for some, money –honour – riches; some are attached to the body, the house or popularity; some in attaining knowledge.


Whatever the attachments for different objects, if all such love is collected and poured in a mould at the feet of the Lord, then it appears in the form of devotion.


Therefore, the easy way out for the householder is to surrender his mind to the feet of Sai Then he will bless you.


If with such little efforts such great good can be achieved, then why should there be indifference to achieve this gain?


Naturally, a doubt may occur in the minds of the listeners, that if such great gain is there, then why don't many people practise it?


There is only one reason for this. The ardent desire does not arise without the Lord's Grace. Only when the Lord chooses to bless (grace) the desire to listen (to his praises) is awakened.


Therefore, surrender to Sai. God will bless you. The ardent desire to listen to his praises will arise. This is the easy means to God.


Hold on to the good company of the Guru and the virtuous. Disentangle from the worldly ties. Definitely herein is your fulfillment. Have no doubts.


I bow down to Sree Ganesh

I bow down to Sree Saraswati

I bow down to the Guru

I bow down to the Family Deity

I bow down to Sree Sita-Ramachandra

I bow down to Sree Sadguru Sainath.

-(from Shri Sai Samartha Satchrita, Chapter 10, Ovi 121 - 134)

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