Saturday, December 20, 2014

Praanaayaam mantra - 1 (Prayer for concentration and meditation)

Praanaayaam mantra - 1


Prayer for concentration and meditation


(In order to pacify the body and the mind, you should take deep breaths while reciting. Repeat several times, holding the breath as long as is convenient.)


Om bhooh.

Om bhuvah

Om swaha.

Om mahah.

Om janah.

Om tapah.

Om satyam.


I hold my breath in sacred awe and pray 0 lord of life. 0 holy God of bliss! Father great and wise and true, my soul comes to Your glorious feet to kiss it.


Om ritam-ch-a satyam chaa bheedhaa. Tapaso adhya jaayata.

Tatoh raatra jaayata. Tatah samudro arnavah. 


Om samudraa darnavaa dadhi. Samvatsaro ajaayata.

Aahoraatraani vidadha-dvishvasya mishato vashee. 


Om suryaa chandra masau dhaataa. Yathaa poorva makalpayat.

Divam cha prithveem. Chaantriksha matho swaha.


The almighty God created the whole universe out of His Own omnipotence according to the laws of nature. He created the days and nights, the vast expanses of water and space and the divisions of time. He who is the Supporter, Protector and Controller of the universe created the sun, the moon, the earth, space, planets, by His potency as He did in the previous cycles of creation. May we feel His power and presence everywhere and for all the time and refrain from committing evil deeds. 


Om praachi digagneer adhipatir asito. Rakshitaa dityaa ishwah.

Tebhyo namo. Dheepati bhyo namo. Raksheetribhyo nama. Ishubhyo nama. Ebhyo astu.

Yo asmaan dweshti yam vayam. Dwish mastam vo jambhe dadhmaha.


O radiant Lord, we feel Your presence in the eastern direction, which is symbolic of continuous progress, as our Lord Protector for our unfettered knowledge and advancement we bow to You and thank You for all the means of protection. Whoever hates anyone, including us, your devotees, submit to Your rule of justice. 


Om dakshinaa digindro dhipati stirakshitaa pitara ishvah.

Tebhyo namo. Dheepatibhyo namo. Raksheetribhyo nama. Ishubhyo nama. Ebhyo astu.

Yo asmaan dweshti yam vayam. Dwishmastam vo jambhe dadhmaha.


O Lord, we feel Your presence-in the southern direction, which signifies ability and efficiency as our Lord of prosperity and the Controller of our minds. We pay homage to You and thank You for Your protection which You provide us in the form of scholars spreading true knowledge. Whoever hates, or feels enimical, including ourselves, we submit to Your rule of Justice.


Om prateechi dig varuno. Dheepatih pridaaku. Rakshitaa annam ishawah.

Tebhyo namo. Dheepatibhyo namo. Raksheetribhyo nama. Ishubhyo nama. Ebhyo astu.

Yo asamaan dweshti yam vayam. Dwishmastam vo jambhe dadhmaha.


O Lord, we see You with our minds fixed in the western direction as the mightiest Master and Protector of all. W e bow before You and thank You for our protection by the means of food. Whoever hates, or feels enimical, including ourselves, we submit to Your rule of justice.


Om udeechee dik somo. Dheepateeh swajo. Rakshitaa shani rishvah.

Tebhyo namo. Dheepatibhyo namo. Raksheetribhyo nama. Ishubhyo nama. Ebhyo astu.

Yo asmaan dweshti yam vayam. Dwishmastam vo jambhe dadhmaha.


O gentle and noble God, we visualise Your presence in the northern direction, showering peace and bliss upon us. We pay homage to You and thank You for Your protection which You provide by means of the forces of nature such as lightning etc. Whoever hates, or feels enimical, including ourselves, we submit to Your rule of justice.


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