Monday, December 15, 2014

Appreciate each day that comes from God!

There are very many occasions in life which call for celebration and gratitude – special events like a birth or a wedding in the family, birthdays, promotions, taking possessions of a new home etc., But let us not forget that each and every day is filled with numerous things which deserve our appreciations and gratitude. If only we would pause, reflect and consider life's countless blessings, we would realize how much there is to be appreciated in life!


Let us appreciate Nature, She is always there with us, in many moods, many hues. The blue sky above us, the green grass at our feet, the magnificent hills, the vast seas, life-giving, life generating rivers and the beauty and grandeur of gardens and woods…


Appreciate each day that comes to us out of the Spotless Hands of God, think of all that we take for granted – our life which is itself a great gift, our good health, which is a blessing, our family which is precious, and the joy and love that come to us from all around. Learn to appreciate all the beauty and warmth and all the loving relationships which we so often ignore, or take for granted!"


Let us take our hearts to Baba's simple mantra: Shraddha and Sabhuri.


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