Thursday, December 4, 2014

Guruvaar Prarthna

Guruvaar Prarthna

Our Beloved Sadguru Sainath, please accept our humble prayers on this Holy day of Guruvaar. We have seen thousands of days and nights, so also countless pleasures and problems in our life, yet not seen an end to our troubles. Help us to lead a peaceful and happy life under your shelter of mercy and bountiful blessings. During our testing times, please hold us safely, during turbulence in relationships, give better understanding to all, during our prayers, help us to focus our mind and body on You and grant us Your blessings to all of us. On this Holy day, we read Your words as starting part of our prayers.


Hail, Eternal Parabrahma! Hail, Helper of the Destitute and Blissful Countenance! Hail, Supreme Consciousness and One at the Service of the Devotees!


Hail, hail to one who is beyond duality! Hail, hail to one who is beyond attributes and with attributes! One who witnesses everything and is transcendental, One beyond the understanding of all who are not the devotees.


Hail, hail to the remover of the distress of worldly existence! Hail, hail to the destroyer of difficulties of those who seek refuge and have come full of love, Sadgururaya!


You have become invisible merging with the formless, but you act for the welfare of your devotees even after leaving the body.


Those who are devoted to you still have the same experiences as they did when you were in body, though you are now invisible.


By making this insignificant one the instrument of dispelling the darkness of ignorance, you have manifested the Sun of your Biography, which has the power to uplift the devotees.


To have belief in the existence of God and faith in Him — these are the heart-lamps that a devotee must have. Light the wicks, soaked in the oil of love, and the light of knowledge will appear.


Knowledge without love is formal. What use can it be to anyone? Without love there is no satisfaction. Love should be unbounded.


How can I describe the power of love? Everything is insignificant before it. If there is no deep love, listening or reading is fruitless.


In the wake of love, follow devotion, dispassion, peace and contentment together with liberation and all its treasures.


Love is not born without faith. Where there is faith there is God. With faith there is abundance of love and it is only faith which is the means of liberation.


The Sai Charita is as pure as the waters of the Ganga. He Himself has adorned his 'stotra'. Hemad is only the instrument.


I bow down to Sree Ganesh

I bow down to Sree Saraswati

I bow down to the Guru

I bow down to the Family Deity

I bow down to Sree Sita-Ramachandra

I bow down to Sree Sadguru Sainath.

-(from Shri Sai Samartha Satchrita, Chapter 48, Ovi 20 - 31)





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