Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Praanaayaam mantra - 4 (Prayer for concentration and meditation)

Praanaayaam mantra - 4


Prayer for concentration and meditation 


Om agnimeele purohitam. Yagyasya devamritwijam.

Hotaaram ratnadhaatmam.


I praise the all-knowing Lord of the universe, Who existed before its creation, Who is the Bestower of all cherished desires and Master of all precious materials.


Om sanah pitewa. Soonave agne. Soopaayano bhava. Sachaswaa nah swastaye.


O Lord, Source of all knowledge, become easily accessible to us and unite us with Yourself as a father does his son.


Om swastino mimeetaam ashivaanaa bhagah. Swasti devya ditiranarvanah.

Swasti pooshaa asuro dadhaatu nah. Swasti dhhyaavaa prithivee suchetuna.


O Lord, grant that our teachers and preceptors may shower their blessings on us. May the earth, the clouds and space, scientifically explored, bring happiness for us.


Om swastaye. Vaayumup abravaam hai. Somam swasti bhuvanasya yaspatih.

Brihaspatim sarvaganam. Swastaaye swastaya aadityaaso bhavantu nah.


O Lord, may we spread aerology for peace, and also invoke the moon who gives us the wealth of tranquillity. Being a creator of fluids etc., she protects the world. May we seek Your benign shelter. You are the Guard of great and noble deeds. Be gracious enough to produce amongst us great  scholars who are fully conversant with the Vedic teachings.


Om vishve devaa no. Adhyaa swastaye. Vaishwaanaro vasuragnih swastaye.

Devaa avantribhavah. Swastaye swasti no. Rudraah paatwamhasah.


May the learned people bring us bliss. May the Lord always bestow prosperity on us. May the wise, with their enlightened intellect, protect us from evil. May He, the Punisher of wicked deeds, keep us from sins.


Om swasti Mitraavarunaa. Swasti pathye rewati.

Swasti na indraschaagnishcha swastino. Adite kridhi.


May the forces of fire and water be beneficial to us. May the path of riches lead us to happiness. May the Lord through his electric and aerial forces, help us prosper and bless us.


Om swasti panthaa. Manu charema suryaa. Chandra masaaviva.

Punardadhataa. Ghanataa jaanataa sam gamemahi.


May we ever unswervingly follow the path of duty as do the sun and the moon. May we move in the company of the learned and the holy who are charitably disposed and non-violent in their deeds.


Om yajjaagrato. Doormudaiti daivam. Tadu suptasyatathaivaiti.

Doorangamam. Jyotishaam jyotirekam. Tanme manah.



May my mind possessed of wonderful abilities, which cover vast distances and reaches far off regions during the waking hours and behaves similarly in sleep through dreams, which is the illuminator of luminous things, always have the noblest ideals.


Om yena karmaanya paso. Maneeshrino. Yagye krinvanti vidatheshu dheerah.

Yadapoorvam. Yakshamantah. Prajaanaam tanme manah.



O Lord whereby the learned, ever given to meditation, the performance of virtuous deeds and the regulation of their faculties in the right channels, are active in the discharge of their selfless duties and thoughtful in the acquisition of scientific and political knowledge, and they deliver in assemblies and other places where knowledge is spread, and which is a unique something, the common centre of all senses, bestowed upon all, may that mind be of noblest resolves.


Om yatpragyaanmuta cheto. Ritischa rajyotirantara mritam prajaasu.

Yasmaanarite. Kinchana karma kriyate. Tanme manah.



That which is instrumental in acquiring deeper knowledge, good memory, courage and firmness and which is the light within men that is not extinguishable till the final emancipation and without whose help nothing can be achieved, may that mind be full of the noblest ambitions.


Om yenedam. Bhootam. Bhuvanam. Bhavishat parigrihee. Tama amriten sarvamma.

Yen yagyastaa yate. Saptahotaa. Tanme manah.



Whereby the past, present and future are comprehended and under whose influence the human body, through its seven organs (two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth) is ever dedicating life to a continuous sacrifice - may that indestructible mind be full of the noblest intentions.


Om yasminrichah saama-yajoogungkesjasmin. Pratishthhitaa.

Rathanaa bhaavivaaraah. Yasmin shichattgung. Sarvamotam.

Prajaanaam. Tanme manah. Shivasankalpamastu.


May my pure mind, in which the three branches of Tearing contained in the four Vedas (Rig Veda - knowledge, Yajur Veda - action, Saama Veda - devotion & Artha Veda - science) can be established like spokes in a chariot, and in which the entire knowledge of living creatures is filled, be devoted to the dissemination of the same true Vedic knowledge.


Om sushaarathi rashwaa nivayan. Manushyaa neneeyate abishubhir vajin iva.

Hitpra tishthham. Yadajiram. Javishthham. Tanme manah.



That which drives a man, like a good charioteer does strong horses by the reins, in accordance with his desires, which is immune from decay, is restive and has very close connections with the noblest heart - may that mind be moved by the noblest of motives.


Om sa nah. Pavasvasham gave. Sham janaaya shamarvate.

Shagung raajan noshadheebhyaha.


O Lord may the wind blow favourably for us, may our cattle and horse be useful for us, may herbs and vegetation be health-giving and may You shower Your blessings on us all round.


Om abhayam nah. Karant-yantarikshamabhayam. Dhyaavaa prithivee ubhe-ime.

Abhayam pashchaad abhayam. Purastaad uttaraad. Dadharaad abhayam no astu.


O Lord may we realise Your omnipresence and be fearless from mid-regions, brighter regions and the earth. May we not entertain any fears from any quarter - front, behind, above or below.


Om abhayam. Mitraad abhayam. Amitraad abhayam. Gyaataad abhayam parokshaat.

Abhayam naktam-abhayam. Divaa nah. Sarvaa aashaa. Mama mitram bhavantu.


O Lord of the universe, may we not be afraid of our friends or our foes. May we not have any fear from things known and unknown. May we be fearless in the waking hours of the day and when we are asleep at night. And may all directions, hopes and wishes be friendly towards us Havan (Homa) is called agnihotra in Sanskrit and is the smallest form of Vedic sacrifice. The fire is based on the biorhythms of nature. The havan produces certain specific effects in the atmosphere and has a therapeutic effect on our minds. The havan is the Vedic method of curing pollution. It causes harmony between man and the rest of nature. The fire disintegrates air-borne impurities. Also the ash has a curative effect on certain diseases. For us Hindus the havan is the symbolic effort we make to advance materially, morally and spiritually, through a living faith in God.

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