Friday, October 10, 2008

Baba's Talk with Devotees

Baba's Talk with Devotees

Bandra lady came and sat before Baba with chronic (7 years) headache.

Baba (touching and gently stroking her head): Your head is aching. Is it not?

Bandra lady: It was. Now it has ceased.

(The chronic headache left her at once and for-ever)

Baba: You have been feeding me so well these years.

Bandra lady: I am seeing you only now.

Baba: But I have been seeing you ever since your infancy.

Bandra lady was greatly puzzled.

Baba: What worship had you in your house?

Bandra lady: Ganapathy's

Baba: In your mother's house?

Bandra lady: Ganapathy. I have given all flowers fruits and eatables to Ganapathy.

Baba: All that has come to me. So since your girlhood I have beenseeing you.

Bandra lady: Baba, people say that my Ganapathy is right handed andbesides, one hand is broken and so they say it must be thrown away. Is that right?

Baba: If your child breaks its arm, will you cast it into water? Worship it daily.

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