Baba's Talk with Devotees
N G Chandorkar bowed to Sai and said: Enough of this Samsara for me. As the Sastras describe it, samsara is really nissara i.e., worthless. Break its fetters off from me, Baba. What first seems to be joy here is seen to be sorrow at the end. Fate leads us a nicedance here and there. I cannot discover even a bit of happiness in this Samsara. I am quite disgusted, I do not wish to touch it, Baba, any further.
Baba: What crazy and delusive talk is yours! There is some truth in it – mixed up with error. As long as the body remains, samsara remains. None escapes it. How can you? Even I am caught up in it. Samsara is various sorts. It is like the surface of the body. Kama (desire) Krodha (anger) etc., and any mixture of these is samsara. All mental and bodily processes are samsara. The contact of any two things is samsara. By going away to a forest you cannot escape samsara. Your present condition, has been brought about by yourself. What is the use of irritation at it? This Deha Prarabdha is result of the karma done by you in former births. This body was, therefore, born. The jiva takes birth in body to work out former Karma. Without suffering the results of Prarabdha Karma, you cannot get rid of it. All persons, all creatures differ in form etc., Why? Because of previous karma of each. Difference between species, like difference between individuals is due to the same cause. see the difference between the rich man's dog lolling on sofa and the poor man's running about in search of crumbs. That is due to Deha Prarabdha.
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