Thursday, October 9, 2008

Baba's Practical Wisdom and Detachment

Baba's Practical Wisdom and Detachment

Baba was seated at the mosque. The season for custard apple (Seethapal) had just began. A woman with these fruits was coaxing Baba to take fruits. She demanded very high prices first.

Baba: I do not want your fruits. Take them away.

Then the woman begged of him to take six fruits for ten annas. The fruits were bought. A little later, before the woman was paid, another woman with Seethapal turned up and Bargained with her.

Baba: For ten fruits, I will give only six annas.

The woman agreed.

Baba: Shama, what is the total to be paid to these women.

Shama: Deva, one Rupee.

Then Baba addressing some one present (Kaka Mahajani): Bhav, will you give me Rs.2 ?

That man gave the two rupees asked for.

Then Baba calling the first woman: Have this. Take the money. And he paid her one rupee.

Then Baba called the second one and paid her also one rupee?

The devotee, who paid two rupees said, "Baba, I do not understand all this, will you make me understand?

Baba: What is the difficulty? When the first basket came, fruits were scarce and so 10 annas for six was settled, When the second basket came, fruits were not so scarce, and so six annas was fixed for ten fruits. As for the actual payment, each was paid according to her Bhagya (poorva karma etc)

( Coutesy: His Highness Pujyasri B.V. Narasimha Swamiji)

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