Sunday, October 5, 2008


(continuation from last issue)
The provision of wealth has taken various shapes, for example, recovery of loans. We may here cite two instances. Bapu Saheb Jog, who was performing Baba's puja, had lent money to an upcountry person, and the time for limitation was approaching. Jog asked Baba for permission to go and make his demand. Baba stopped him saying that the debtor himself would come. Jog could not believe it, because the debtor on previous occasions did not show very great readiness to pay. Anyhow, he had to obey and so kept quiet. The limitation period was gone. His legal claim was gone. But Baba acted on the mind of the debtor, and the man came up with the principal sum of Rs.1400, and paid it up without interest. Baba's ignoring the interest reminds one of Baba's Muslim leaning, interest on debt is considered a sin (Haram). In other cases also Baba has helped people to recover amounts due to them. Baba has the same time enabled people to protect themselves against false demands.

There was a Parsi who, after Baba's Mahasamadhi, prayed to Baba that he should be saved from a proceeding on a promissory note, which was absolutely without consideration. He had handed over to a friend a promissory note and that friend sued on it. When he prayed to Baba, Baba appeared in a dream, and promised to help him. Finally the claim was settled in a reasonable way so that there was no large undue demand made on the devotee.

Baba helps and has helped time and again in numerous cases, even in civil litigation in respect of property. But on the whole he dissuaded people from quarreling over property and going to court. He told a lady, Athai, whose father had given her a portion of his property and then withheld it from her for the sake of a second wife whom he wanted to please, `God will give you plenty; do not file a suit against your father. For it is after all your father that eats your property that he has given'. Accordingly she got plenty of income, and there was no necessity for her to file a suit against her father.

Baba very often follows the policy of "not resisting evil" advocated by Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi and other great souls. To a certain extent, it is true that by not resisting evil, we not only promote our own spiritual welfare, but sometimes meet the heart of the evildoer and always get the support of the public and of God. Who, in some way or other, try to recompense us for not resisting evil. At the same time it is not a safe maxim for universal adoption for in society it isoften necessary to resist evil. What is meant by the maxim is that you should not resist evil by another evil or by the use of force and we can safely rely, in cases of evil done to us, on the protection of our Guardian Sai.

So much in respect of property, readers may remember Baba's vast powers of control over the minds of all people, and how when a devotee – Kaka Sahib Dixit – had urgent need of money, he could control the mind of a friend's son to run up with required 30,000 rupees even though it was quite a big sum, and gave it to Kaka Sahib Dixit to pay his creditor. Baba could provide funds for various purposes, and to quote only a small incident, when Varde wanted to do Satya Narayan Puja and required only Rs. 2-8-0, Baba pointed to Jayakar, the painter, who was before him, and who had exactly Rs. 2-8-0 in his pocket, and said, "Apply to this man for a loan". Jayakar had to part with Rs. 2-8-0 because Baba had said it. Baba said so to Jayakar for express reason, that Jayakar must be made to feel what it was to be in a zero condition, and to trust absolutely in Baba's grace for further provision. In point of fact, Jayakar after having given Rs. 2-8-0 to Varde found a friend who helped him to get along and get back to his place.

When Damia thought that Baba, having vast powers of knowledge of the future and also control of events and properties, would help him to acquire lakhs by cotton speculation, found that Baba was not disposed to do so, but used all his superior antarjnana- Ritambhara Prajna for – other purposes. As Damia's wealth was quite sufficient for his purpose, Baba warned him against aspiring for lakhs, and against losing the large amounts he had in his hand through his greed.Similarly in grain speculation also, Baba gave him the same advice, and asked him not to be over greedy.

The advice `Ma Gridhah' found in Isavasya Upanishad was frequently impressed by Baba upon those approaching him for the sake of wealth. There was a large number of persons that pestered Baba for wealth because Baba was known to have antarjnan and commanded the future. Very large number of people came to him and asked him to give them the numbers of successful horses in horse races for betting purposes. Baba treated them all with contempt and brushed them aside so that people should not pester him and ask him for such help. Strangely enough, in some special cases, Baba had shown the gift of knowing the numbers of the successful horses but he at the same time prevented that knowledge from being used for getting unlawful earnings, a person in Nellore district, a good Sai bhakta, had the peculiar power to guess or know the numbers of the winning horses. He had a rich friend or patron, who had vast sums in his control, and who was also interested in horse races. But that friend would not trust the guesses and readings of this Sai devotee. Thus Baba prevented his devotees knowledge from being used for purposes of betting on horse races.

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