Saturday, October 4, 2008


Baba's Help:
It is help for issue, which Baba rendered that broadcast his fame and started his cult. Till 1890, Baba was known only at Shirdi and its neighbourhood mostly. It was about 1890 or so that one Gopal Rao Gundu, a Revenue Inspector of Kopergaon Taluk, was informed by Nana Saheb Dangle, Zamindar of Nimgam and descendant of Trimbakiji Dangle about Baba's wonderful powers and wonderful nature and about his being a Sai Purusha whose blessings are effective. Gopal Rao Gundu went to Baba and paid his respects. He had until then no issue even though he had two wives. Then Baba gave him Asirvada, blessing that he would have a son, and he got a son to the great surprise of himself and all who knew him. Out of sheer gratitude, Gundu wasbroadcasting the greatness and powers of Baba amongst people whom he met, both officials and non-officials, villagers and townsmen. Out of gratitude again, he tried rebuilding Baba's Mosque and brought quality stones, which Baba distributed to local temples. he also took a leading part in starting Baba Urse (festival on Rama Navami day in honour of Baba at Shirdi, about 1897.

The next notable grant of issue was the case of Damodar Sawalram Rasane. He brought Baba's name to the forefront among Saints because of the very peculiar circumstances of damia's case. the stars were against him, the astrologers having declared that the papi in the Putra-sthana would prevent any issue. But the Guru Sai Baba overcomes the adverse influence, and by Baba's blessing, he had eight children, and exactly in the order of sexes that Baba had stated neither more nor less. Damia (Rasne) became a great and ardent devotee of Baba, and took a prominent part in the Rama Navami Standard festival and contributed to other important celebrations also.

There were numerous other persons whom we need not take in chronological order, but may take in the order of peculiarity of the facts in each case. We shall take up ordinary views of medical and quasi-medical men about issue. Medical science has not been successful in exploring all the causes of sterility. Far greatly distresses many of them, and they long for children. The human oranimal longing for issue (philoprogenitiveness) is a natural instinct and is said to be due to the pineal gland and also to family sentiments. As George Elliot put it, "A child is a divine gift todeclining age and brings hope with it and forward-looking thoughts.: so people are anxious to beget children and in default to adopt children as Silas Marner did. By medical research and experience, some of the reasons, which prevent issue, have been found and declared. Absence of issue may be due to disease like hypochondria, anemia, hypogonadism, malformation of the genital organs, diseases of the ovaries and tastes, and the incompatibility of the blood of theparties etc., are made responsible. In the case of some people, age and similar circumstances are also declared to be interdictory to issue.

Now we will take one of such difficulties, anomaly, and age. One Sakharam Aurangabadhar had no issue by his second wife. She never conceived even one during 27 years she lived with him. She, however, went up to Baba, and on Shama's intercession got Baba's blessing, after a very comical conversation. Shama told her to wait till Baba should be in good humour, and kept her outside the Mosque when Baba was eating. When Shama poured water on Baba's foodsoiled hands, the latter pinched his cheek. Shama pretended to be angry, and asked, "Deva, is it proper for you to pinch me?" Baba said, "Arre, during the 72 janmas that you were with me I never pinched you till now. And yet you resent my touching you"

Shama: Deva, we want a Deva to give us sweet things, swargaloka, vimana, etc.,
Baba: Yes. Indeed I have come for that.

Then Baba sat in a very good mood on a seat which as been prepared. Shama beckoned to the lady. She brought a coconut and scented sticks and presented to Baba. The coconut was taken up by Baba. The internal kernel was loose and rolling in it was copra. Baba shacked it said,`Shama, hear what it says', Shama said that the women prayed that a child should be similarly quickening in her womb, Shama requested Baba to give her the coconut with his blessing. Baba said, "Will the coconut turn into a baby? How foolish are to fancy such a thing?" Shama said that he knew the power of the blessing. After some little talk, under Baba's orders, the coconut was broken, one half was given to the lady, and Baba said that in 12 months' time she would haveissue. Accordingly she had a child in 12 month.

Another lady (Mrs. Chandra Bai Borker) had never been pregnant upto the age of 51 and people were laughing at her when she said that by Baba's blessing she was to have issue. But Baba's saying proved true. In her 51st year she had her first conception, and brought forth her boy who blessed her with his presence and made her happy.

It is not merely having issue but having issue of a particular sex that is the demand of the bhaktha. The Hindus believe that if no male child is born, then in spite of female children being there, the man goes to put a place in hell. therefore, the male child is called Putra, the child that saves his father from going into Put-Naraka. Rao Bahadur H.V. Sathe, a Deputy Collector, was in this condition. At the age of 50 he was a widower with two daughters and no male issue. He was strong and vigorous, and was advised to marry again. But he stated that the marriage would involve difficulties for his daughters and yet give no guarantee that any but daughters might be born. So, he said that he would not marry unless some saint assured him that he would have a son. In 1914, he was working as Deputy Collector in Ahmednagar district, and he came to Kopergaon. The Kopergaon Mamlatdar and he visited Baba inn 1904. Then the Mamlatdar (Barve) told to Baba, `Saheb (meaning H.V. Sathe) has no sons', Baba then said, `If Saheb marries, the God will give him a son'. Accordingly in 1906, H.V. Sathe married the daughter of Dada Kelkar, but strangely his first two children were both girls. Dada Kelkar went to Baba andasked, `Baba, when are we to have a grandson?' Baba's reply was, `I am requesting Allah, He will comply with my request.' accordingly in 1913 a son was born to H.V.Sathe.

Similarly Mahalsapathy, who was constantly attending upon Baba, had a number of daughters, but no son. Yet, disgusted with life, he came and slept with Baba at the Mosque. One day Baba said to him, `Hey, Bagat. Go and live in your home, Your will have a son.' A son is a mango fruit while a daughter is a tamarind fruit. Even then Mahalsapathy was unwilling to add to his samsara. But his friend Kasiram Shimgi compulsorily took him away from the mosque and made him sleep in his house. He went home on Gokulastami day and slept there on that night and on further nights. The next Gokulashtami day, a son was born to him. The child was named Marthanda.
(Sai's Help, by His Highness Pujyasri B V Narasimahswamiji)

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