Thursday, October 9, 2008

Baba and Devotee - Sri Santaram Balwant Nachne, Dahanukar.

Sri Santaram Balwant Nachne, Dahanukar.

He is an ordinary Head Clerk in Taluk Office. His contact with Baba started in 1909. His elder brother was then undergoing an operation very near in his throat in a hospital at Bombay. At Dahanu, Santaram Nachne and his family were full of anxiety about the result of the operation. A sadhu approached their house, and from outside asked, `Will you give me a crumb or two of roti?' Then he was invited inside, and a regular course of dished was served. But in doing so, Santaram's sister-in-law deliberately omitted to give him Bendi baji lady's finger curry, thinking that it was too poor a stuff to serve a saintly guest. The sadhu himself said, `I want bendi baji', and then it was served to him. He thenblessed them all, and said that the operation in the Bombay hospital was safely performed and that there was no danger. later in the day, Santaram's friend, Mr. H.M. Pasne, told him, `I hope the operation is safe by Sai Baba's grace'. that was the first time that Santaram heard of Baba's name. In the evening after that, Santaram's father returned from Bombay with the news that the operation was really success and that a sadhu, after the operation had been performed, appeared in the hospital, came near the patient, passed his hands over the operated part, and said, `All will go on well'. The operation was quite successful, and his brother had recovered completely.

Later in that year his father attended Das Ganu's kirtan wherein Das Ganu gave a full account of Sai Baba, and described him as the Datta Avatara having wonderful powers and wonderful kindness. He also brought the picture of Sai Baba home, and with it Baba's puja began in the house.

In 1912, Santaram first visited Shirdi. then he had appeared for a departmental examination, a revenue test and went to Shirdi with two friends. at the Kopergaon railway station, the stationmaster heard of their proposed visit to Baba, and began to abuse Baba saying that undue honour was being given to a mere hypnotist, who was guiling people like so many wandering jugglers and thaumaturgists. This made the impressionable Santaram very unhappy. He was beginning to have his doubts about Baba. Anyhow he reached Shirdi. The first sight that he caught of Sai Baba was walking from Lendi to Mosque. On the way Santaram and his friends met Baba. Baba looked straight at Santaram, and said, `What? Have you come away without taking leave from theMamlatdar?' The reply was `yes'. Baba said, `Don't do so hereafter'. At once, the object of these remarks was evident. Baba revealed his Antarjnana of Santaram being a Mamlatdar's clerk and that he had come without permission and showed a motherly kindness towards his devotee who was wavering. The Antarjnana and the kindness showed the worthlessness of the Station Master's remarks. Evidently it was for that purpose that Baba had addresses those words to him. This was only the beginning of a series of similar experiences during his three days of stay at Shirdi. At the end of three days, Santaram was perfectly assured and confident that Baba was the Datta Avatara, andnot a juggler or thaumaturgist. Baba took udhi from Santaram's hand and applied it to his forehead. This was a mark of favour.

One day Santaram had gone very early for the arati in the Masjid, without taking his meal as it was ekadasi day. Baba was no respector of mere forms. Baba asked Santaram, `Have you had your meal?' He said, `No, because it is Ekadasi to-day'. Baba said, `Never mind, You go and eat.' His two friends were very orthodox, and, therefore, Baba did not ask them to take their food. Baba said, `They are mad. You better go and eat.' Then Santaram went to the dining place at his wada. the man in the wada began grumble that on an Ekadasi day, and that too before arati was over, Santaram should ask for food. soSantaram quietly returned to Baba. Again Baba asked, `Meals over?' Santaram said, `No, Baba. I will take the meal after the arati.' Baba said, `Go, arati will wait, and it will begin only after your meal is over'. Santaram went and told the man in the wada what Baba had said. so, he had to be given the meal. This is very good proof of Baba's affection towards Santaram. Then, meals over, Santaram went back to Mosque for the arati. Maushi had brought bidas, which is rolled up betal and nut, and Baba took some and asks him to chew. On Ekadasi days, people do not chew betal. But as Baba asked him to chew,Santaram had to chew. When the arati was over, Baba asked dakshina and took four rupees from Santaram and sixteen from Vaidya. from his friend Date, Baba did not ask for any dakshina. Date had no thought of giving any dakshina to Baba. In fact Date had very little reverence for Baba and Baba distinctively read each man's heart. During these three days, when H.S. Dixit, Jog and Dabolkar were present, Baba spoke, pointing to Santaram, and said, `I went to this man's house for a meal, but he would not give me Bendi baji'. At once Santaram remembered the sadhu who cam to him three years ago in 1909, and was wonder-struck, for the sadhu who was then in his house lookeddifferent from Saibaba at the Mosque. But from Baba's remarks, Santaram understood that it was really Baba who came in that form to help the family and reassure them of the safety of the operation in the Bombay hospital. Santaram asked Baba what result of hisdepartmental examination would be. Baba said, Allah Malik Hai and placed his palm on Santaram's head. Santaram passed the examination.

On the third day, Santaram and his friends begged him for leave to go away. He gave them leave with udhi. Baba at that time gave another blessing to Santaram. Santaram badly wanted a transfer from mofussal Dahanu to metropolis Bombay. Baba of his own accord said, 'Come to Bombay for service'. This was either prophecy or control, and tooksix years for its fulfillment. In 1918, Santaram was transferred to Bandra, a suburban district of Bombay.

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