Friday, September 25, 2015

Navavidha Bhakti in Shri Sai Satcharita - 8

Navavidha Bhakti in Shri Sai Satcharita - 8

Eighth Step – Sakhya Bhakti

Madhavrao Balwant Deshpande alias Shama

"This Masjid is my mother's home. I am Sai's own child. This being so, why is the mother so furious with the child to-day ?" ll48ll As a child is to the mother, so was Madhavrao to Baba. When such a relationship always existed, why should it happen this way to-day ? ll50ll When the mother kicks who will take care of the child ? Madhavrao lost all hope of survival, at that time. ll51ll – C. 23

They always indulged in loving disputes and addressed each other in familiar terms. Baba loved him exceptionally, like His own son..... ll53ll .....and nobody could get around Baba as he could. ll52ll – C. 30

"My Shama may be mad but I am fond of him. He has an unusual affection towards Me. I am greatly concerned about him." ll83ll – C. 27

In a burst of affection, Baba then pinched Madhavrao's cheek. Listen then to the loving conversation between God and His devotee at that opportune time. ll137ll Then Baba started to speak : "Yes, indeed, I have come for that and that is why I started giving you food and got fondly attached to you." ll143ll Shama was His favourite devotee; and the saint fulfilled the devotee's wish, which was asked for in ignorance and fondness, whether it was proper or not. This was his own vow. ll162ll – C. 36


Tatya Ganpat Patil Kote

Tatya addressed Baba as 'Mama' (mother's brother or maternal uncle). Such was their reciprocal love and affinity. It was beyond compare. ll131ll Though Baba was ready, until Tatya arrived He would remain seated in His own place, waiting for Tatya's arrival. ll129ll Until Tatya Patil made Baba stand up, putting his hand under Baba's arm, then only Baba made ready to go to the Chavadi from there. ll130ll When Tatyaba took Baba's permission to leave for his home, after offering chillum, attar and rose water, Baba used to say. "Take care of Me." ll213ll "Go if you are going. But, during the night from time to time, inquire about Me.'' Saying, "very well", Tatyaji would leave the Chavadi and go home. ll214ll – C. 37

People say that Baba averted Tatya's death by giving His own life. He alone knows the truth. ll68ll – C. 42


 Lakshmibai Shinde

The same Lakshmi, with great love, daily sent vegetables and bhakaris for Baba, at the right time. How can this service be adequately praised ! ll94ll If there was a delay in getting the bhakar from Lakshmi, though it was past meal time, He would not put a morsel in the mouth. ll110ll The food served in the plates would get cold. He would wait though hungry; but till Lakshmi's bhakar came, he would not eat any food. ll111ll  From that time onwards, according to the advice, started Lakshmi's bhakari, crushed into milk and offered with love daily. ll108ll Later Baba began to eat that bhakar offered with love and devotion, daily. When there was a delay, He was uneasy and He did not feel like eating. ll109ll – C. 42


Bade Baba

How important Bade Baba was ! His usual seat was on the right hand (of Baba). Baba smoked the chillum only after Bade Baba had partaken of it. ll112ll Bade Baba was that person without whom Baba did not take a step. If he did not eat anything, Baba did not partake of food. ll113ll – C. 23



Bayjabai Kote Patil

Tatya Kote's mother, whose name was Bayjabai, would put some bhakaris in a basket and carry it on her head and go into the woods in the afternoon. ll106ll She would walk for miles, searching in the woods for the mad Fakir, trampling upon the thick foliage and bow down to His feet on finding Him. ll107ll How can one describe the strength of her devotion ? Dry or curried vegetables and bhakari she fed Baba with her hands, in the woods, in the noon or late afternoon. ll108ll This austere devotion of hers was also not forgotten by Baba during His lifetime. Keeping the past in mind He blessed her son with good fortune. ll109ll Both the husband and wife had great faith in the Fakir indeed. The Fakir only was their God; God lives in the faith of the devotee, doesn't He ? ll110ll – C. 8


 Khushalchandshet Marwadi

One afternoon Baba told Dixit : "Take a tonga and go to Rahata and bring back Khushalbhau." ll95ll "Tell him that it has been a long time since I met him, so I have a desire to see him. Tell him that Baba is calling you to meet Him." ll96ll – C. 30


Sow. Khapardeaai

Many other naivedyas came, far superior to this one. Often they remained untouched. What was the greatly impelling reason to eat this only ? ll155ll "You keep aside all the other platters. Even if some are made of silver, you hurl them far away. But, only when this lady's platter came, you got up immediately and started eating. This is surprising !" ll157ll After saying this, He did full justice to the meal, washed His hands and mouth, belched to show His satisfaction and resumed His seat. ll162ll Such was Sree Samartha the compassionate ! Sainath, the protector of all who have surrendered ! He always fulfils the devotees' cherished desires and works for their welfar. ll169ll – C. 27


Kakasaheb Dixit

"I too was waiting for you, Then I sent Shama to meet you, all the way to Nagar", spoke Sai clearly to him. ll91ll His body trembled; his mind was engrossed in Self Bliss; his eyes were half closed and he was immersed in a cloud of joy. ll93ll – C. 51



When Megha died see the importance given by Baba for his cremation, and Baba's affection towards the devotee. Megha was already gratified. ll120ll Accom-panied by all the devotees, the villagers went in procession to the cremation ground. Baba also went to the cremation ground, showering flowers on Megha. ll121ll After Megha's last rites Baba's eyes also filled with tears. Like an ordinary being, with all attachments, He was full of grief. ll122ll With love, Baba covered the body, with His own hands, with plentiful flowers. After lamenting the death with pitiful tones, He returned. ll123ll – C. 31



After some time had passed, Baba asked daily for vermicelli made by Lakshmi in the afternoons, and would eat with her sitting beside Him. ll112ll Baba ate very little and sent what remained, with Lakshmi to Radhakrishna, who savoured the leftovers with great love. ll113ll – C. 42

Actually, the ladder was put against Waman Gondkar's house and Sree Sai climbed up the ladder to the roof, Himself, very swiftly. ll238ll The houses were adjoining and He crossed over quickly to Radhakrishni's roof. Nobody could understand the mystery. ll239ll At that time, Radhakrishni was suffering from severe malaria and she was very restless. ll240ll – C. 19

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