Thursday, September 3, 2015

Guruvaar Prarthna

Guruvaar Prarthna



Our Beloved Sadguru Sainath, please accept our humble prayers on this Holy Day of Guruvaar. Baba, we all want to be innovative, intelligent, incredible and extraordinary. Baba, what for we need all these things, just to elevate our ego and show our pride to the world. No, by having all these, we don't want to enter into the clutches of maya and slip away from your path. Baba, we don't ask anything from you, but you know our eligibility and capability, accordingly bless us whatever require for a peaceful life. Baba, on this holy day we start our prayers by reading your divine words in Shri Sai Samartha Satcharita.



Once, Baba appeared in a dream of a Punjabi Brahmin, whose name was Ramlal and who was a resident of Bombay.


The sky, the wind, the sun, the rain and other deities – due to the power of their grace, whatever knowledge one has of outward and inward objects, that are known as the waking state.


When all the senses are at rest, arises the awakening of the subliminal impressions of the waking condition. This takes the form of cognition and the person who cognizes. This is the indication of the dream state.


His dream was strange. He did not know Baba's form or attributes. He had never had darshan earlier. "Come to me", he said.


From his appearance, the person looked like a great saint, but who was he and from where? When Ramlal awoke he was deep in thoughts.


He felt like going, but he did not have an address or his whereabouts. But he who calls for darshan, he alone knows to make the arrangements.


Then, that same afternoon as he was casually walking along the road, he saw a picture in a shop which startled him.


The form that he saw in his dream was exactly the same as this, felt Ramlal. He immediately made inquiries of the shopkeeper.


He closely looked at the picture. "Who is he and from where?" He learnt that it was Sai from Shirdi. Ramlal was satisfied.


Later, he came to know the full details. Ramlal went to Shirdi and stayed near Baba, till his Mahasamadhi.


This was Baba's wish – to fulfill the desires of his devotees, by bringing them for darshan and letting them achieve their worldly or spiritual objectives.


As it is, all his devotees were fulfilled. He himself was desireless, unselfish, without ego, and without any attachment. His avatar was only to fulfill the desires of the devotees.


Know him to be a true saint – who is untouched by anger, and has no place for hatred, nor does he have even a glance for the selfish;


whose selfless love for all is his mission and who does not waste even a word on matters other than righteousness.


In conclusion, Baba has got his life story written by holding my hand so that the devotees remain continuously engrossed in remembering him. This is its purpose.


Therefore Hemad very humbly always requests the listeners, to hear the Sai Satcharita with faith and devotion.


You will attain peace thereby and it will help in getting rid of evil habits. Devotion at Sai's feet will be strengthened and it will give salvation.



I bow down to Sree Ganesh

I bow down to Sree Saraswati

I bow down to the Guru

I bow down to the Family Deity

I bow down to Sree Sita-Ramachandra

I bow down to Sree Sadguru Sainath.


Sarveshaam Svaastir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanteeh




-(from Shri Sai Samartha Satchrita, Chapter  30, Ovi 104 - 120)



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