Monday, September 14, 2015

FAQ on Shirdi Sai Baba - 2

I am a devotee of Shri Sai Baba and know that He is always with me still I do many wrong things in my life. This makes me feel guilty but I do not improve as I have a weak will power. How to overcome this?

The fact that doing wrong things make you feel guilty means you love purity. Baba is purity personified and can control your mind in case you have full faith in Him. Continue to pray Baba. Gradually, you will get over your weakness. Read life and teachings of Baba "Shri Sai Satcharitra". As and when I am about to commit any wrong deed why from within my heart Baba should not stop me from doing so? Your conscience is Baba. You certainly hear the inner voice. Always focus your thoughts on Him and on your own conscience whenever you have any wrong thought.

Why do we want to test every experience on the basis of physical evidences?

Our intellect tells us to understand everything through the cognitive faculties .Yet our faculties are highly limited. The form of God is all pervasive. For direct experience human has to cross over the known and unknown boundaries. Ordinary limited human beings can only see and experience the physical form. The Yogis experience the subtler vehicles. One who will experience the Jivanmukta, Parammukta or Paramukta states of Baba, he will never wish to assume a human body again. 


I tend to lose my temper very fast, how do I improve?

Whenever you get angry pray to Shri Sai Baba, and read His life history "Sai Satcharitra". Slowly anger will get controlled. Whenever you are angry with anyone, it is better to leave the place rather than quarelling. Baba said that he loves those people who are tolerant than those who fight. 


In this mundane world full of complexities of life does a Sai devotee need to take support of astrology?

Astrologer can at best predict future in a limited way. Baba helps actively and actually. Once you have surrendered to Him He takes care, reduces pain and increases happiness and evolves the souls. Keep His teachings and life history in mind. See Him in happiness and unhappiness both. See Him in mundane and spiritual both. Allow Him to work on you by keeping Him always in your heart. 


In this illusionary world it is difficult to identify a genuinely needy person whom one would like to help. We see beggars in and around the temple or on streets, and we daily read that there are many of them who are self-sufficient and resort to begging only out of lack of interest in working. How should one go about helping a needy? Please advice on this and guide us what should one do. At times I wish to help someone but a thought always crosses my mind, "Is he actually needy?

" Everyone is needy .Everyone, a king or a poor man is a beggar before God. Everyone prays to God for something or other. Baba said, anyone approaching you for anything is due to links of our past lives. By using your power of discrimination if you are convinced that a man is really needy then help him. In case of doubt, route it through Baba. If you wish to give Ten rupees to a needy person but are in doubt then, put that in Baba's Donation Box. Let Baba decide this, in case you are not convinced at all then just refuse politely. While doing so never abuse, threaten or misbehave with the beggar. Don't develop negative thoughts about anyone more so beggars whom destiny has punished enough.

Answers by Shri C.B Satpathy ji 

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