Thursday, September 17, 2015

FAQ on Shirdi Sai - 5

What qualities a man should develop to evolve as a disciple and how?

The quality of being a Guru as well as being a disciple is inherent in every individual. In childhood parents should give the child the elementary education of conduct, behavior and culture. As he grows up he goes to the school and college and learns from the teacher. In the normal course of life also one learns a lot from somebody or else. As far as it relates to be disciple of a spiritual or religious Guru, it has its own tradition. The first necessity to be a disciple is to have complete faith in Guru that whatever the guru is doing that is in his (the disciple's) own interest. Guru should also be the one who thinks of the welfare of the disciple only. The second thing is that as far as possible one should follow the words said by the Guru and the instructions given by Him. If the Guru says "be kind and feed the poor ", then one should do it as much as his capacity permits. If there are problems in the path told by the Guru then they should be conveyed to Him. The true Guru will tell the solution of those problems under the prevailing circumstances. No Guru should like that one should abandon everything else to become his disciple. Guru will indicate such a course that is suitable in the complex world.

In today's age there are so many gurus around. How does one know if one has come across the true Guru?

Everybody is in search of a Guru, somewhere or other - and so should it be. It is said in "Guru Gita" that the way a bee goes from flower to flower in search of honey, the aspirant should also go from one Guru to another. However, once he finds his Sadguru, then he should follow Him with single mindedness .But all Gurus are not necessarily 'Sadguru'. Sadguru are those who are able to join 'Atma' to 'Parmatma' and who has the capability to protect the devotee under all circumstances. There are very few Sadgurus on the earth. Once the Sadguru is met there remains no need to search for a Guru. One who aspires for a Sadguru must strive hard. Someday he will be able to draw the attention of the Sadguru towards Himself. Thereafter, through some medium he will reach him or draw the disciple by his own inscrutable ways.

While treading the Guru Path we are bound to commit mistakes, how and when should we convey them to the Guru?

Human Being is bound to commit mistakes. The Sadguru knows that his disciple will make a mistake in the game of 'maya'. Sadguru remains alert to stop them from doing so. Because of his own mistake if the disciple falls into the danger then 'Sadguru' directly or indirectly helps him out. Baba used to say. "Know it that wherever you are and whatever you do I am fully aware of that ".Sai Baba's life history shows that he was omniscient. Guru knows how to take His disciple ahead or stop him from committing mistakes. We certainly get protection of the Guru for the mistakes unknowingly done by us, but we should try that the mistakes knowingly committed should not be repeated. Sometimes we are not able to follow the Guru Path. Guru does not feel bad about it. He is beyond the gunas of anger and hatred. He only has compassion in Him. He watches the true intention of the disciple to move ahead on the Guru Path.

What should one do to become a perfect disciple?

If the will power is strong and there is complete surrender for the Guru then He keeps the disciple with Him despite His mistakes. To become a perfect disciple one has to take in the complete power of the guru and be a guru himself. But this is the highest achievement any disciple can think of in his spiritual evolution. Sadgurus do not make disciple rather they attempt to produce Sadguru only. They evolve the soul of the disciple to their own level. This state is very high, and man himself becomes a perfect disciple when he receives the capacity of a Guru. But, before this without losing our patience, without setting the time-limit ourselves, without carving out a path for ourselves, as it normally happens in the world, we should be completely surrendered to the Guru. First of all, we should be within His aura, then come near Him, have close bonds with Him, and gradually should do all duties given by Him. With a bond of pure love with Sadguru one will evolve spiritually.

Heaven lies at the feet of Guru. When and How one can experience this?

In the lifetime of the Guru, worshipping and serving His feet is said to be one out of nine methods of devotion. After the Guru takes 'Samadhi' I.e. leaves His physical body, one should meditate on his feet. Not only feet but one should meditate ,according to Baba, from feet to head and from head to feet. To keep the feet of Guru in one's heart relates to the attitude of serving Him. Here we do not bear the attitude of companionship rather the attitude of being at His service .The worship of His feet means following the words of the Guru and obeying His every command without questioning.

I have been told that it is essential to have a living master to evolve spiritually. How true is it?

To have a living master is good. My personal experience is, if one prays to baba even without a physical Master ,one can evolve. I do not have any physical Master nor did I ever try. Baba is the Param Sadguru.

How should a householder involve himself in the activities related to Baba while discharging hos professional and family duties?

A householder has to take out time for Baba's work while discharging all the duties with perfection towards his family. He should make his family life simple. The lifestyle should be kept simple so that it can be handled easily. By organizing the daily routine properly try to minimize the time spent on it, so that more and more time can be gained for Baba's work. The work related to the profession and duties should be organized in such a manner that while doing every work the mind is completely free of the burden of other things. This is possible only when one is properly organized. Whatever work you do concentrate on it completely and finish it sincerely and properly. One should use time for every smallest as well as biggest work with equal sincerity. Work should be attempted with a holistic view because God is Whole. If each and every work in life is done with faith, perfection and completeness then one experiences the closeness with God. Make Him your companion every moment while doing any work mundane or spiritual.

How do I progress spiritually side - by-side my household duties?

Spiritualism and materialism always go side by side particularly for a worldly man. One cannot be put aside for the other because both are created by God. See Baba's play in both these aspects. Both aspects have to be taken care of by following the path shown by Baba. You have to make it useful by doing the smallest acts and the biggest acts. Pray to Shirdi Sai. He will surely bless you. Materialism limits the thinking and actions of a man. On the other hand Spiritualism leads to viewing the whole universe as a family - a single house. We learn the traits of love and co-operation from our own house and society, keeping faith in Baba and patience as well. Performances of your household's duties are necessary at this stage for the growth of your consciousness for your future evolution.

I want to know how to manage time and space shared with other family members while remaining faithful to my spiritual duties?

If one is not getting solitude, that means nature or God or Sadguru wants him/her to experience living with others and adjusting with circumstances. We can always find solitude in our hearts ,while traveling before sleeping and immediately after waking up. Think of Baba at all these moments and any free moment you get where ever you are.

Is there a past life? Did Baba believe in it?

Yes. If you read Shri Sai Satcharitra, you will find Baba speaking about the past lives of many people. He not only spoke about the past births of human beings but even of other species like frog, lizard etc. It is because of incomplete relationships of the past life that people come in contact with each other in the later lives. The payment made by human beings to settle Karmic debts of past lives creates happiness or unhappiness .Baba had even referred to a lady as his sister in one of His earlier lives. Unless we are prepared to believe that all our actions origin and end in one life and that there is nothing after death ,and also there was no future life then one question remains unanswered-why did the most impartial ,all merciful God gave birth to people in different conditions and with different capacities as a result of which some enjoyed more and some suffered more. If there is no other logic of such differentiation between human beings and other animals, then God cannot be seen as an impartial and all merciful entity.

Answers by Shri C.B Satpathy ji 

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