Sunday, September 20, 2015

FAQ on Sai - 8

There are many noble people in this world who always help others in their lifetime but still have to suffer a lot. Why does it happen while so many sinners live happily? Kindly answer.
Sinners don't necessarily live happily and good ones do not necessarily suffer. Past life actions at times create adverse results in this life for good people. Similarly for sinners of this life, at times good actions of the earlier life act positively. We should continue to be good with faith in Baba.

Religions are different but is there anything common in them, I mean are there any common parameters?
"Dharma" is from a Sanskrit root (Dhaa) which means to hold and also to think. Religions therefore try to hold together not only different human beings but also the other aspects of nature like plants, animals, birds and all living aspects. As ordained by nature they live together and are inter-dependent, therefore these must be held in a fine balance. The principles for holding them for the greatest good of them for the longest period of time are known as Dharma. The concepts of Hindu universalism, the Muslim brotherhood, the Christian service, the Buddhist tolerance are nothing but attempts to bring out and establish the common denominators of togetherness. Human beings are aware of these but lose their path from time to time when these Incarnations again come and re-establish I have been facing a lot of problems in my life, lately I am finding it difficult even to concentrate on prayers .I used to keep Baba's photo in my hand and keep talking to Him. I feel He is the only near and dear I have. Always keep talking to Baba mentally even if you are not able to worship formally or praying to Him with concentration. These difficulties are but a test of your faith and mental capacity. I do the "Naam Jaap ' of Sai's name daily. My problem is that I cannot meditate. Please give me a method or instruction whereby I You need not meditate. Do the "Naam Jaap" always as much as possible, can meditate on Him.

I want to do one week paraayana of Shri Satcharitra .Kindly tell me how to go about it?
Begin on a Thursday after worship of Baba. Finish on the seventh day. Feed some needy or poor people after it is completed. During paraayan be calm and concentrate on Baba.

How do I focus on the physical form of Baba when I know that He is not living in His physical body now?
Focus on the photograph of Shri Shirdi Sai. Initially on His physical form as you see in photo. Gradually you will be able to perceive Him in subtle form. Meditate on Him consistently, then He may reveal His real self to you. The method of meditation is given in Shri Sai Satcharitra, I feel an awakening within, there is a lessening of desire and a joyful contentment in all that arises. I feel truly blessed. I have prayed for two years nothing more.

Pray to Shirdi Sai, the Master. You are on the right path. Divine help is received at times through prayers. It a wishful thinking or is any prayer of mine really coming true?
Honest prayers give joy, hopefulness and purity. Please continue.

Sai yantra is available commonly is it advisable to do siddhi with it?
Please do not go after Siddhi. Go after Bhakti and love for Baba. Shri Sai never prescribed for use of Sai yantra.

I am a medico preparing for my post graduate exam. I would like to know how to meditate on Sai daily and regularly?
You can pray for His blessings .He is the giver of even the mundane things like the result of an exam. Meditate on His sitting figure from feet to head and then from head to feet. After some time you will be able to concentrate on His full figure and internalize His form.

When and How and where should one practice "Gayatri Mantra"?
Gayatri Mantra is the main mantra that should be remembered by every Hindu for that matter every human being. This mantra is for meditating upon God and also for welfare of the Universe. This is a mantra and a prayer too. Therefore, it can be practiced with much ease and spontaneity. One should chant or meditate on this while facing towards Sun. In the morning facing towards east, in noon facing towards west, one should sit in the corner of a room or at One should repeat a certain number of mantras daily and gradually increase this number. During jaap one can either externally or internally concentrate on the statue of Gayatri or on sun or Gurudev. Gayatri is Parashakti from whom the universes evolve.

By what method Baba's worship should be done at home?
There is a basic difference between the worship of Baba done at home or in the temple. The 'Praan Pratistha' is not usually done of the idol at home, usually His photograph is worshipped. Therefore any suitable method can be adopted to worship Baba. It is necessary to simplify the method of worship. Most of the external rites and rituals are artificial if they do not evoke inner Bhakti Offering a single flower with Bhava and with unshakable faith in Sadguru is sufficient. If we are away from home for some reason, we can still do Baba's worship the same way as we do at home mentally, sitting in a place. At home this work can be assigned to anybody; Baba is beyond any discrimination of religion, caste or creed, small or big, rich or poor. It is said in the Vedas that all the deities are inherent in the Sadguru. So there is nothing wrong if Sadguru is worshipped in the form and manner of deity. Sikh devotees sacrificed their lives happily for their Gurus because it was their belief that Guru is eternal and will always be with them. It is absolutely necessary to have immense faith towards the Sadguru.

In which direction Baba's idol or image should be installed?
Baba can be worshipped or installed in any direction. In Shirdi the direction of Dwarkamai is southward, which is known as the direction of Yama-the Lord of death. However, East or North or North East directions are the best.

Is it necessary to prepare something different to offer to Baba? Is there any particular food item required for offering to Baba?
Whatever is cooked in the house for ourselves the same should be offered to Baba and distribute among others. Whatever is offered to Him with pure 'BHAVA' will be acceptable to Him. In certain forms of worship offering non-vegetarian food to the deity is prescribed. It is only our mental yearning or "bhava" behind such offering which is accepted by the Sadguru.

The devotees desire to be with you always. When they are away from you they feel deprived. What is your reaction to this?
One who has taken Baba in his heart will never feel deprived or depressed .It is not necessary that a devotee should always remain near His Guru in gross terms. The devotees who are physically very close to Guru may be very far from Him and those who are physically distant may be very close to the Guru. The important thing is that what is the mental state of a devotee towards His Spiritual Master? In my thoughts there is no one else but Baba .Those who are close to Baba, I am close to them. I go along the Bhava or mental attitude of people.

What is one's external appearance is meaningless for menthe only important thing is that how single pointedly the devotee is devoted towards Baba, and what is his level of thought and feeling?
Besides this nothing else holds any importance. This is what Baba has said number of times.

Many people come to you for a solution to their problems. Knowing the fact that their problems are outcome of their own 'karmas', you pray to God for helping them. What is your reaction to this?
I can only pray to Baba to solve the problems of His devotees .My only appeal to Sadguru is that if He bestows His Grace upon the distressed devotees then their sufferings would go away. Rest is on Sadguru or God. He will do as He may like to do. When anybody remembers God with a pure heart, in that state of 'Bhava ' he gets away from the shadows of bad effects. My effort is that the devotee should be inspired towards the right path and surrender to the Master. 

Answers by Shri C.B Satpathy ji 

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