Tuesday, September 15, 2015

FAQ on Shirdi Sai - 3

Many children are seen begging outside the temples. Should we not stop them from doing so?

These children do not beg out of greed .It is generally a compulsion of life. They only wish that they should be get some sweet, piece of coconut or some money. They have such innocent look on their faces .In spite of such poverty there is such happiness reflecting on their faces. Those are greedy who are praying /begging for much more after making lakhs and crores in the most sinful manner. For this they do all kind of crooked deeds. It is important that such people should change their mentalities. If we have the capacity to educate and look after these children we should do so. Without help they can't be stopped except by law.

What does Sai say about compassion?

Sai is the embodiment of compassion. He practiced and preached to love everyone including sinner, diseased, birds and beasts. He saw God in everyone and loved them. Read Sai Satcharitra for the answers .He always encouraged and blessed acts of kindness.

If you can't love you must not hate either. If one does not have the quality of compassion in Himself, how can one receive the compassion of Sadguru? What type of human beings Baba really loves?

Baba is in the God State. He sees himself in every one and hence loves everyone. Only if the quality of love is universally expanded in us we experience Him. Ultimately ,we will experience that Baba ,God and our self is one and the same thing Devotion.

We want to give pure love to Baba but, we are not familiar with its ways ,please help us in this regard. When and how a human being can become a good devotee?

Love cannot be organized the way most of the people think. It is a spontaneous feeling and process of heart where there is no ego.

Will Sai Baba ever give his darshan to me?

Physical darshan of a Sadguru is when he is in physical body. Later , through deep meditation one can have his darshan internally. Pray to Shri Sai always to bless you with His swaroop darshan.

How do I get close to Baba? How do I feel His presence and get assured that He is with me and will always be with me?

You have to love Him. Keep Him as an image in your heart. Serve human beings and other living species as part of Him. The process is gradual but continue to try. You have to see His presence in all. He is all the time with you but you don't know. When you will understand this totally you will surely feel His presence.

I am a new devotee of Shri Sai Baba. Please tell me how do I approach Him?

Pray to Him in any form suited to your emotions, a master, a father, a mother, a friend, etc. Loving God is the best prayer of God. Prayers at best generate love and if love is there ,formal prayers are not necessary .Read Shri Sai Satcharitra, the life history of Baba for further directions.

Sometimes I get tears when I think of Baba. I don't know the reason for that.

Baba sends love waves to His children all the time. This happens with thousands of people. These are tears of strength not weakness. Keep loving Baba. He will grow in you.

I am very much drawn to Sai Baba, and I consider myself His devotee , but I have trouble keeping Him in mind throughout the day. I would like Him to be constantly present in my mind and heart. Does this come by His Grace only?

Your thought process is noble and correct. Don't worry at all if you can't keep Him in mind constantly because you have to do other things also because you have to do other things also where mind has to be applied. Baba is aware of your problem. Do as much as you can. Gradually things will improve.

Many devotees give lot of importance to the miracles exhibited by saints. What is your opinion regarding this?

What do the devotees have to do with miracles? If merely the mention of that word creates confusion, then one can guess the results it can create in society if the mental equanimity is not there. Some devotees have certainly made progress on the path of devotion by being influenced by such miracles.

What is the way of offering our true service to Baba in return of so much He gives to us?

The true service is to improve our qualities and be of some use for His cause, i.e. to serve humanity around you. Baba did reveal to some people that His consciousness covered even dogs, horses, etc.

When and how can we control "I"?

One who can take complete control over "I" I.e. ego, will not be born again as he would be merged with the Oversoul. By the effort of many births, good deeds and grace of the Sadguru only, one can get control over "I". One must understand this and pray to Guru to release from this. By making the life simple and surrendering to Guru, "I" diminishes slowly but surely. There are many aspects of ego like lust, hunger, anger, body, mind, they get controlled slowly. Baba's messages always tell us that there should be no ego. Ego is a destroyer and kills the spiritual progress of a person. This is fully understandable. But, there are so many instances in day to day working in the commercial life where one has to use his ego to establish his style of working or to create a positive result-oriented fear. Ego can be both creative and destructive. By ego the biggest things are created on earth and also destroyed. To become egoless is the highest state. Baba has spoken the ultimate word that He Himself is. We, at a much lower level of evolution can only try by taking His name. While doing a job where ego is necessary one should, still be careful not to have ego and then using it in the positive direction will not make a person slave of his own ego. One thing is certain that truth is only in what Baba says but I am not able to relate this to the above.

While doing the work of Baba many obstacles come, is this to kill ego and also to instill patience and faith?

I entirely agree .The more work you do for Baba, the more work will come to you, both quantitative and qualitative. At times big obstacles present themselves but they do not remain for long. It not only kills ego but builds those qualities that are essentially required to do bigger jobs for Baba.

It is said that Baba replies to any question that arises in our mind .I have experienced that .I get replies through the books on Him. Is there any other way He answers our questions?

You are on the correct path .After reading books/printed materials on Him go on thinking and discussing with other devotees .He answers questions to us through our inner thoughts and many inscrutable ways at times. Only the one who experiences knows.

Answers by Shri C.B Satpathy ji

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