Tuesday, September 22, 2015



Baba said "You need not go far or anywhere in search of Me" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Chapter XLIV.

When Bayazid was young, all his thoughts were centred around his spiritual quest. He took leave of his mother and left home to seek the Truth as a wanderer.


Years later, fate led him back homewards, his quest still unfulfilled. He went up the familiar path that led to the door of his home, to hear his mother praying aloud.


"O Lord, take care of my son" she prayed fervently. "I have not seen him for years together! Bless and protect him in Your Divine Mercy! May all his aspirations be fulfilled!"


Bayazid was moved beyond words. "Mother! Your son is here!" he called gently.


The old mother's joy knew no bounds. She rose from her prayer and hugged her son, with tears streaming from her eyes.


"Until now, I had not realized how much your love mean to me," Bayazid said to her. "I will live with you and serve you in every way possible."


Bayazid's mother fell ill. He nursed her with great love and devotion.


One dark night, she awoke to ask her son for water to drink.


Bayazid found that there was not a drop of water in the house. Taking a pitcher, he went out in the bitter cold of the moonless night to fetch water from the flowing stream.


By the time he returned, his mother had fallen asleep. He kept standing by her bed, with a cup of water in his hands. After a few hours, his mother opened her eyes and once again asked for water.


"Here it is," Bayazid answered immediately, bringing the cup of water to her lips.


The mother was touched to find her standing by her bed for such a long time – and blessed him with all her heart.


That blessing, Bayazid said, gave him what he searched for. His heart was suddenly illuminated – and he had a vision of God.

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