Wednesday, September 23, 2015




Baba said, "Give with faith, give with magnanimity, i.e. liberally, give with modesty, with awe and with sympathy" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XIV.


Karna was a great giver. He gave and gave and was never tired of giving. He gave whatever he had, and forgot about it.


One day, as he took his bath by the side of a well, a poor man approached him for help. At that time, Karna held, in his left hand, a gold cup containing oil which he rubbed on his body. Without hesitating for a moment, he passed on the gold cup to the needy one.


Someone asked, "The Scriptures say that when you give, you must give with the right hand. How is it that you gave away the gold cup with your left hand?"


Karna's answer was significant, "Life is uncertain. By the time I transferred the cup from the left hand to the right, anything could have happened."


When you get the impulse to give, give immediately.


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