Thursday, September 17, 2015

Intolerance on over-asceticism

Intolerance on over-asceticism 

Dada Kelkar, an overzealous Brahmin, abhorred onion and in his over-zeal objected to visitors and Sathe Wada using onion. He fell foul on S.B. Nachne's mother-in-law for using it. Then his grand-child had sore eyes. 

Dada Kelkar: Baba, the child has sore eyes. What should I do? 

Baba: Use onion for fomenting the eyes. 

Dada Kelkar: Where can I go for onion? 

Baba: Take it from this mother (pointing to S.B. Nachne's mother-in-law) 

S.B. Nachne's Mother-in-law: Baba Dada Kelkar abused me for using onion. So I do not like to give him anything. If you order it, I will give. 

Baba: Give. 

Then the lady gave the onion and Baba, through her, humiliated Dada Kelkar for his intolerant over-asceticism.


(Baba's Charters and Sayings, No. 284)

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