Friday, September 18, 2015

FAQ on Shirdi Sai - 6

Could you please tell us where our soul goes after death?

Soul is a subtle energy form. It remains in that form after death in the sphere of subtle energy. It evolves slowly after experiencing the subtle world till one is reborn.

Is it true that every soul has a mission in life?

Yes. Nature has already prepared a blue print of our lives just as we ,within our limited intelligence ,prepare blue prints before constructing a house etc. Every man has a mission to fulfill and each life on earth exists as long as the mission continues.

What is the actual aim of life?

What are we doing on earth? The actual aim of life is to realize one's own soul or Atma which is divine. Once one realizes this then he will not be born again. We are all experiencing worldly life, necessary to evolve us.

Is being rich and having comforts of life, so called materialistic possessions, a wrong goal to attain? Does it take us away from God?

Can we be closer to God even while concentrating in our materialistic progress? God reflects both in material and spiritual ventures. Without a material body how can one become spiritual? Being rich is not a sin unless richness is derived through sinful means and money is being spent in a sinful manner. Rise materialistically but use material earnings for the cause of others to the extent possible by you.

I would like to clear the doubt in my mind as to whether Baba believed in the philosophy of staying vegetarian? And if not, what logic was behind adopting non-vegetarianism?

There is no evidence in the available sources on Baba that He Believed in staying vegetarian, rather there is a mention in Shri Sai Satcharitra that Baba cooked non- vegetarian food for some of His devotees. In the ultimate analysis human beings have no right to kill any species for enjoyment, particularly when they have been given the intelligence to know that God exists in every one. Animals don't have this intelligence .This is Baba's basic preaching ,but since all devotees cannot change overnight, therefore, they are to be handled accordingly. Simply being vegetarian or non-vegetarian does not necessarily make a man spiritual or otherwise . In the world more than 3/4 population is non-vegetarian. Did these countries not produce spiritual leaders including Jesus & Prophet. We should strive to be a vegetarian not only to avoid eating of flesh (even living vegetables have life), but because one should not be party to killing of other species. As per Hindu theory this Karma will affect him adversely. Besides ,vegetarian food is easier to digest.

Is taking non-vegetarian food wrong or sinful?

No, because "jeevah jeevah khadati" - one creature feeds on another creature. But there are certain foods ,which are natural ,like the child who is nourished by his mother on her breast-feed. Human being eats vegetables and after his death his disintegrated body returns to the soil and becomes a part of the whole vegetable world. But killing an animal means we have finished the consciousness which had reached a higher level, and eating the flesh of a human means finishing the consciousness which had reached yet higher level than animals. Saints who have reached a highly evolved state of consciousness ,do not eat anything. Upasani Maharaj did not eat anything for one year. Some saints bring about such changes in their organic system that they can nourish themselves on the direct energy from sun.

If God is one, why should there be different paths?

God manifests Himself in different forms. Even as a human form he manifests Himself at different places, at different times with different levels of consciousness. Groups of souls having different levels of consciousness are born in different places and times. These groups of souls are so born because they are required to experience certain common religious ,social, geographic etc. situations necessary for their evolution. For example ,a group of souls may be born from parents belonging to one religion or in a certain country. In the next life ,to have different experience ,some of these souls may be born of parents having a different country or nationality. Many Hindus became Buddhists when Lord Buddha came and many Hindus came and many Hindus came back to the folds of Hinduism later at the time of Shankaracharya. Therefore, there are different ways of evolution of the souls .Ultimately, all these paths converge at one point i.e. God realization or in God from where they all emanated.

While treading the path towards Baba if man feels surrounded by despair ,what should he do about it?

I have said in one of my poems -"Jab Dil Udaas ho to Sai ka naam lena" i.e. "When one feels depressed at times, while facing the pain and miseries of life. But, if such feeling of pain and misery is true, so is the feeling of pain and misery is true, so is the feeling of joy and bliss too. One should see Sai in both the situation. In happiness without wasting too much time rejoicing if we help others in getting the same happiness in Baba's name or work for the cause of Baba then the happiness that we derive will be more lasting .Physical happiness is momentary and once it is gone it brings sorrow as mind has a tendency to ask for the same or more happiness always which is not possible in human life. Whenever you are in sorrowful situation remember Baba's words. "See what comes next". Keeping in touch with Baba internally and thinking of Him reduce sorrow. By reading Sai Satcharitra, by singing Baba's bhajan s the sorrow gets certainly lessened. In bad times one must read about Baba as much as one can, meditate on Him, chant His name, sing His devotional songs and help other people who are undergoing pain and misery.

We the dwellers of darkness when see the first ray of light get so perturbed that we want to go back to darkness. What do we do at such times?

Sadguru cannot leave His devotees under any condition the devotee realizes it or not. That is why Baba used to say that one should pray to Him with Shraddha and Saburi. Whenever the grace of Sai descends upon anybody usually it is seen that this negative qualities reduce and good qualities grow. From those initial experiences only, they think that they have reached somewhere or they have achieved spiritual knowledge. Taking this initial state as the final state such people start behaving like a Guru themselves. Many people cannot progress because of this and try to live the life in a dramatic manner. After sometime if the devotees face any adverse situation, such Gurus turn the other way. In such situations various reactions are seen of some people. The water stored in an unbaked pitcher breaks down, similarly their faith also gets easily broken down Those who conduct themselves in a normal way after receiving Baba's grace at the first instance and never exhibit their devotion, they gradually achieve closeness with Baba. Nourishing spiritual and religious ambition is a limitation in the path of spiritual evolution.

How do I get courage to walk on the right path and how do I know what is the right way?

Read Sai Satcharitra carefully and regularly. You will get all the answers. All spiritual books and biographies of Masters basically deal with such answers.

What do I do to become a better human being?

Examine your conduct daily and try to improve upon your qualities .Read Shri Sai Satcharitra and learn from examples and Baba's advices.

What are the traits of a perfect man and how to achieve this?

He who is completely liberated from all earthly entanglement is a perfect man. He is not limited by any place, group, system, laws of nature and has got full control on all base elements in mind, such as desires, lust, anger, etc. He is dispassionate under all circumstances and his vanity of being a man has also deserted him completely. Many sages who were proud of being a man could evolve spiritually only when their ego was annihilated completely. There is the example of Vishwamitra and others. Please guide me as to how to stop worrying all the time and be at peace with myself? When you are worried think of Baba and remember His saying- "I take care of my children, no matter how far they may be". Pray Him always.

-Answers by Shri C.B Satpathy ji 

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