Wednesday, September 30, 2015




Baba said, "I do not need any paraphernalia of worship - either eight-fold or sixteen-fold. I rest there where there is full devotion" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XIII.


There are some devotees who want to show off. For hours they meditate, for hours they chant, for hours they repeat the name of Lord Krishna. They look down upon others who do not spend so much time meditating and chanting. Arjuna happened to be one of these. If you remember, one of Arjuna's brothers, whose name was Bhima, was the strongest in the family. Bhima never prayed to any god. He used to eat and he used to fight. He was a voracious eater and at the same time a great fighter.

But Arjuna used to pray to this god and that god; he had to please all the gods on earth. The Lord Shiva had to be worshipped every day. For two hours daily Arjuna used to collect hundreds of flowers and offer them to Lord Shiva one by one. Each time while offering the flowers he used to utter the name of Lord Shiva. Then pride entered.

What Bhima did was very simple. He would put his fingers on his forehead and concentrate for a couple of minutes before each meal. Then he would eat voraciously. This was his meditation! Poor Arjuna would spend hours gathering flowers, but Arjuna's pride could not escape Sri Krishna.

Sri Krishna said to Arjuna, "Come, let us go for a walk." As they were walking, they saw a man drawing a cart. The cart was loaded with flowers. All kinds of flowers. Arjuna said to the man, "What are you doing with these flowers? And where are you going?" The man had no time to respond to Arjuna. Sri Krishna said, "Arjuna, let us follow him."

When the man reached his destination, there were many more carts of flowers. "What are you going to do with all these thousands and millions of flowers?" Arjuna inquired. "I have no time to speak to you. I am now in serious concentration. I can speak only to one person on earth, and that is Bhima, the second Pandava. He is the greatest spiritual seeker. When he meditates before his meals just for a minute or two, saying 'O mighty Lord Shiva,' thousands of flowers are offered by him to Lord Shiva. His concentration is most intense. His meditation is most sincere. Arjuna only throws flowers at Lord Shiva. He just shows off."

Poor Arjuna went back with Lord Krishna and was extremely angry with him for subjecting him to this humiliation. Lord Krishna said to Arjuna, "I wanted to teach you that it is not the number of hours, it is not the number of flowers, but it is the power of concentration, it is the power of dedication that counts.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015




On 1948, Shri Jagadish K. Munshi and his wife were travelling in first class compartment of the train going from Bangalore to Bombay. There were six members in the compartment including an old couple and two youngsters. Shri J. K. Munshi and his wife were playing cards. The old man was praying and his wife was watching the others. Before their departure from Bangalore, they have been advised not to travel by this particular route because of Razakars trouble then prevailing in other places of Hyderabad state. They have not paid any heed to the advice as they were youngsters then. The train left Hyderabad and was approaching Sholapur Station in Indian Union. All of a sudden, the train was forced to stop at Gangapur. The Razakars who were assembled there with rifles, lathis and other lethal weapons cried out "All Muslims get down. Kill all Hindus".


The old man all along in -prayer ordered to close all the doors of the windows. They promptly carried out his orders. The wailing of passengers who were pulled out of the train, beaten and robbed and field into the nearby fields. The Rasakars repeatedly tried to force to open the doors of their compartment but failed to do so. Even in this calamity the old man observed his prayer. The struggle went on nearby for five hours. Then the train came to Sholapur with their only one compartment. All the inmates of the compartments arrived safely untouched by the Razakars.


After some days of this incident, the old man has given an article in a magazine that because of his prayers to Shri Sai Baba Shirdi that the compartment of the train escaped unhurt by the Razakars. As a witness, he has mentioned the name of Shri Jagadish K. Munshi in the article. He told that it was true that the old man was particularly praying at the time and added that he had never heard the name of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi he forgotten to thank of him.


Later on, In 1953, when calamities came in his family, he saw a picture of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi which was hung in a frame maker's shop on his way to his office. He looked his teachings in the photo as "If you look to me, I shall took to you" Then he remembered the past incident and with his wife's consent, he bought one Sai Baba's photo and performed puja requesting Baba to solve his problems, within a few days thereafter, all his problems have got settled at his reasonable satisfaction and the puja went on regularly,


After two years, he was once travelling by a night train left Surat to Bombay. After the train left Surat railway station he developed severe pain on account of stone in the bladder. The pain aggravated in such a manner that he could neither sit, stand nor lie down. He then began to pass blood through urine.


His co-passenger was sleeping. When the train came to Palghar, the pain was so severe that he woke up his co-passenger and urge him to call the guard. The guard came and complained the position that no doctor could be traced in the train and advised to get down at Palghar and have a treatment from a local doctor. The guard called the Station Master and under their joint advice, he got down at Palghar and the train left the railway station. With the help of Station Master, he was lifted up into a bullock cart and driven to the doctor's residence as the doctor refused to come to the railway station in the late hours of the night.


In this critical juncture he prayed Shri Sai Baba for help. The doctor has attended on him and given treatment and he was somehow relieved of the pain. The doctor also sent a call to his relatives at Bombay and they arrived and taken him to Bombay the next day. Even for this incident, he did not consider any particular significance to Shri Sai Baba Shirdi. In 1968, his father took him to Sri Satya Sai

Baba and introduced to him, Shri Satya Sai Baba Said, "I knew him. He is a believer of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi for the last 16 years. Once he got out of the train in severe pain and called "Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi. It was Shirdi Sai Baba who saved him. This utterance of Shri Satya Sai Baba himself assumed significance to Shri Sai Baba Shirdi by him.


In 1959, his one month old daughter fell ill severely and admitted to the Hospital. The treatment went on for three weeks. Even then the child had been running high temperature; his wife and himself were very morose. On 14-11-1959, they were informed by two leading doctors that the survival of the child were remote. He decided that if the child does not survive he would end his worship to Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi. After this decision by him, the temperature of the child decreased gradually and became normal by 7 P.M. within three months of this incident the child was in the pink of health. In March, 1960, they visited Shirdi by car with the child of five months. On the way the child uttered first words "BABA-BA-BA" He told that Shri Sai Baba Shirdi is solving his knotted problems of his existence and guiding him.










Shri R. Morewala Solicitor of Bombay was not so much religious minded. But he has got faith in Baba. In 1953 he was going to Thana by a train. The train was over crowded and hence he could not get into the train and was standing at the door. Then the train moved.


Owing to the pushing of the crowd from inside the train, he fell down from the door and while falling down, he uttered the name of Shri Sai Baba. The Chain was pulled out by one old man and the train was stopped. That old man caught the hand of Morewala and prevented him from falling down.


All the people and the guard came to see why the train was stopped and who pulled the Chain? Shri R. Morewala also wanted to pay tribute to the old man. But the old man was not there and he had disappeared. All were surprised, Shri Morewala has gone to his house and told this incident to all his family members.


 This incident was told to his son when he went to Chalisgaon in 1964 by a Saint "That had I not saved your father's life in 1953 ?" Is this not mean that Baba is still living and helping His devotees when they require His help ?





Monday, September 28, 2015

Blessed are the merciful



Baba said, "Eating that lovely bread I am heartily contended and I am still belching. The dog which you saw before meals and to which you gave the piece of bread is, one with Me, so also other creatures (cats, pigs, flies, cows etc.) are one with Me. I am roaming in their forms. He, who sees Me in all these creatures is My beloved." in Sri Sai Satcharitra, chapter IX.


Once upon a time, a man had to set out on a journey. In those days, most people traveled on foot, for it was only aristocrats and the rich who could afford horses and carriages.


The man's wife packed some food so that he would not go hungry. He set out early in the morning, taking advantage of the coolness of the early hours.


Soon the day got hot and sultry. Having walked continuously the man grew tired and hungry. He began to look for a shady tree by the wayside, under which he could rest, eat his meal, refresh himself and proceed.


Such a tree was soon found. The man sat down in its shade, grateful at being able to take his weight off his weary feet. After some time, he opened the container of food that his wife had given him. Oh how inviting the food seemed to him! Truly had it been said that hunger was the best sauce!


Just as he was about to eat, he heard a plaintive, "Meaow!" Behind the tree, he saw a cat which had just given birth to a whole brood of kittens – there were seven of them – tiny little creatures, Their eyes tightly closed; meowed away in hunger!


The man's heart touched with compassion. His own hunger forgotten, he emptied the box of food before the cat and gently signaled to her to come and eat. He then filled the empty box with water and set it before her, so that she may not go thirsty.


Having done this, he felt a wonderful sense of satisfaction. He really felt as if he had undergone a lovely experience.


All of a sudden, it occurred to him that the cat might be hungry again after some time. Where she could find food to eat on this lonely stretch of road?


His wife, a caring and considerate woman, had packed extra food in a second container, in case he should need it. So he emptied the second box too, before the cat, and filled the empty box with water. Now he felt happy. She could eat the food and drink the water whenever she wanted.


Without eating a morsel of food, the man went to his way. As he walked, he was blessed with a Vision of Light and filled his soul with joy and peace!




In his letter, Shri G. B. Mankar has stated to Shri Tarkhad in 1923 during his work in his work field, it has to lift a 375 horse power diesel engine (weight 12 tons) in a fly crane.


As the fly crane was not so strong to bear the weight of the engine, a cracking sound came from the crane and all were afraid. Then Shri Mankar] cried out *'Sai Baba" and invoked His help. After his utterance all on a sudden smell of rose flowers and agarbathis spreadover the field and Baba has appeared on the spot and saved all the people from the jaws of death. Mankar saw baba and again cried out "Baba".


All others meant that "Kaka" of Mankar came there. But Mankar has cleared their doubt and that Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi had came to the spot and saved them from the jaws of death.


Is this incident does not show that Baba is living and lending His helping hand to His devotees as and when they are in trouble ?




Sunday, September 27, 2015



Baba said, "What My Sircar (God) gives, lasts to the end of time. No other gift from any man can be compared to His. My Sircar says "Take, take," but everybody comes to me and says 'Give, give.' Nobody attends carefully to the meaning of what I say. My Sircar's treasury (spiritual wealth) is full, it is overflowing. I say, "Dig out and take away this wealth in cartloads, the blessed son of a true mother should fill himself with this wealth. The skill of my Fakir, the Leela of my Bhagwan, the aptitude of my Sircar is quite unique. What about Me? Body (earth) will mix with earth, breath with air. This time won't come again. I go somewhere, sit somewhere; the hard Maya troubles Me much, still I feel always anxiety for My men. He who does anything (spiritual endeavour) will reap its fruit and he who remembers these words of Mine will get invaluable happiness" in Shri Sai Satcharitra, chapter XXXII.

A King decided to meet his subjects personally, to hear their requests and redress whatever grievances they had. He announced that he would hold an open darbar at a public place, on a duly appointed day.


The proclamation about the darbar was made all over the kingdom. The king sat under a tree in a public garden, where anyone was free to go and meet him.


The king had made a strange arrangement at the park that day. The gardens were transformed into veritable mela, a fun fair. Stalls were laid out all over the park – food stalls with delicious stuff to eat, stalls with household utensils, clothes, provisions, fruits and vegetables, toys and games, jewellery and precious stones, and what's more, everything that was on display was absolutely free. The people who came to the park could have anything they liked


The king, disguised as a gardener, kept watering the plants. But the people who came to see him were carried away by the tempting display of worldly goods. They quite forgot the purpose of their visit, and spend the whole day gathering everything they wanted. However, there was one young man who, indifferent to the gorgeous display of goods, sought out the king.


"Why haven't you picked up any of the free goods on offer?" the king asked him. "My Lord," replied the youth, "my sole purpose was to seek you out. Nothing would distract me."


"Then, indeed" said the king, "you will be chosen one – and all I have will be yours!"


It was Jesus who said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things shall be added unto you."

Friday, September 25, 2015

Navavidha Bhakti in Shri Sai Satcharita - 9

Navavidha Bhakti in Shri Sai Satcharita - 9

Nineth Step – Atmanivedan Bhakti

Bhagat Mhalsapati Sonar


A devotee like Mhalsapati, who was always attached at Sai's feet, and could hardly make both ends meet, even he was not allowed to make any money. ll61ll Sai Himself distributed to people, many times, the monies that had come as dakshina; but He did not give a farthing to him who was always in difficulties. ll62ll Mhalsapati too was a man of self respect. Though Sai was so generous, he never extended his hand to ask Him for it. ll63ll Though his financial situation was dire, but he was very, very detached. He bore the difficulties of poverty always content with the little he had. ll64ll  He was not a worshipper of money. He only yearned for spirituality. He had surrendered to Sai with body and mind, unselfishly and with a loving heart. ll70ll Hansraj entreated Sai; but Sai did not touch a farthing and said : "Even My devotees are not lured by money and you will not find them fall prey to the pomp and show of mony." ll71ll With all humility, Mhalsapati returned it and said : "Without Sai's permission, I cannot accept it." ll69ll – C. 36


On Margashirsh Poornima day (thirty-two years before the Samadhi) Baba had an attack of asthma and He became very uneasy. In order to bear this bodily pain, Baba raised His prana high up and went into Samadhi. ll64ll Then looking at Mhalsapati, He point blank said to him : "Do not neglect Me for three days." ll67ll Then Mhalsapati remained alert day and night and took care of Sai. He sat wide awake near Him. ll72ll – C. 44


ll Novelty of Nine ll

·         It was on the second of November 1909 that Dixit met Sai for the first time and had a meritorious and purifying darshan. ll157ll On the nineth of December, he took Baba's permission and considered that very day to be an auspicious one, for laying the foundation stone. ll161ll – C. 4


·         Even if he (i.e. Bhajani) had not been available, Kaka would have performed the kirtan, because he knew by heart the composition about Ramnavami composed by Das Ganu. ll96ll – C. 6


·         That old Haji stayed in the Chavadi facing the north. For the first nine months Baba was displeased with him and was not ready to meet him. ll79ll – C. 11


·         They met after nine years. Their joy knew no bounds. The doctor also went after him unconsciously, into the Masjid. ll169ll – C. 12


·         Amir Shakkar lived at the Chavadi for nine months. Just as one climbed the steps into the Chavadi, right in front, he spread out his bedding in the middle of the room. ll125ll


·         Amir was asked to live there for nine months and was prohibited from coming for darshan even in the Masjid. ll127ll - C. 22


·         On Margashirsh Poornima day (thirty-two years before the Samadhi) Baba had an attack of asthma and He became very uneasy. In order to bear this bodily pain, Baba raised His prana high up and went into Samadhi. ll64ll Then looking at Mhalsapati, He point blank said to him : "Do not neglect Me for three days." ll67ll Then Mhalsapati remained alert day and night and took care of Sai. He sat wide awake near Him. ll72ll – C. 44


·         It was on the second of November 1909 that Dixit met Sai for the first time and had a meritorious and purifying darshan. ll157ll On the nineth of December, he took Baba's permission and considered that very day to be an auspicious one, for laying the foundation stone. ll161ll - C. 4



Shree Saileela, July-Aug 2004




Baba said, "Slave of slaves I am your debtor, I am satisfied at your darshan. It is a great favour that I saw your feet" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Chapter X.


A conclave of hatha-yogis – men who claim to have tremendous yogic power – had gathered on the banks of a holy river. A huge crowd of men and women from nearby villages and towns had assembled to watch them demonstrate their feats.


At some point, a question arose in the conclave about who among them, was the most acceptable to the Lord.


The hatha-yogis somehow interpreted this to mean the one who could perform the most outstanding feats. And thus began a strange contest – a display of each one's unique yogic power.


One of them got up and said, "I am surely the most acceptable to the Lord, for I can walk upon the waters, even as ordinary mortals walk upon the earth."


So saying, he swiftly walked across the flowing river and back to where they stood. The people were astounded!


A second yogi arose to have his say, "This is nothing – for I can fly up in the sky and come down to the earth when I choose."


This avowal was followed by a demonstration of flight to prove his point. The crowd cheered him mightily!


A third yogi, not to be outdone, spoke next, "I am the most acceptable to the Lord, for I am the greatest of astrologers – I know the past, present and future!"


To prove his claim, he singled out a stranger from the crowd and narrated all the incidents from his past life. The stranger agreed the account was, indeed, accurate. The yogi then proceeded to predict the man's future in great detail. The crowd was amazed by his confidence and accuracy.


A fourth yogi now stepped in to claim his share of fame, "Fire cannot burn me!" he proclaimed proudly. "Let a huge bonfire be lit, I shall prove it to you."


This remarkable feat was also accomplished before the people's eyes.


Now there were claims galore from all the tantriks assembled. One claimed the he would stay alive even when he was buried underground. Another claimed that he could break out of fetters and prisons – and so it went on and on.


In the crowd was a poor woman who was truly pious.


She came forward to speak. "May I tell you who is nearest to the Lotus Feet of the Lord?" she asked.


Everyone stared at her.


"Do tell us, do!" chorused the onlookers. "We simply cannot make up our minds as to which of these powerful men is the most acceptable to the Lord."


"He who is the humblest is also the greatest!" said the woman. "The most difficult feat a man can perform is to annihilate his ego, and consider himself but as a speck of dust on the Lord's Feet!"


This was a sadhana that none of the tantriks had mastered!



Navavidha Bhakti in Shri Sai Satcharita - 8

Navavidha Bhakti in Shri Sai Satcharita - 8

Eighth Step – Sakhya Bhakti

Madhavrao Balwant Deshpande alias Shama

"This Masjid is my mother's home. I am Sai's own child. This being so, why is the mother so furious with the child to-day ?" ll48ll As a child is to the mother, so was Madhavrao to Baba. When such a relationship always existed, why should it happen this way to-day ? ll50ll When the mother kicks who will take care of the child ? Madhavrao lost all hope of survival, at that time. ll51ll – C. 23

They always indulged in loving disputes and addressed each other in familiar terms. Baba loved him exceptionally, like His own son..... ll53ll .....and nobody could get around Baba as he could. ll52ll – C. 30

"My Shama may be mad but I am fond of him. He has an unusual affection towards Me. I am greatly concerned about him." ll83ll – C. 27

In a burst of affection, Baba then pinched Madhavrao's cheek. Listen then to the loving conversation between God and His devotee at that opportune time. ll137ll Then Baba started to speak : "Yes, indeed, I have come for that and that is why I started giving you food and got fondly attached to you." ll143ll Shama was His favourite devotee; and the saint fulfilled the devotee's wish, which was asked for in ignorance and fondness, whether it was proper or not. This was his own vow. ll162ll – C. 36


Tatya Ganpat Patil Kote

Tatya addressed Baba as 'Mama' (mother's brother or maternal uncle). Such was their reciprocal love and affinity. It was beyond compare. ll131ll Though Baba was ready, until Tatya arrived He would remain seated in His own place, waiting for Tatya's arrival. ll129ll Until Tatya Patil made Baba stand up, putting his hand under Baba's arm, then only Baba made ready to go to the Chavadi from there. ll130ll When Tatyaba took Baba's permission to leave for his home, after offering chillum, attar and rose water, Baba used to say. "Take care of Me." ll213ll "Go if you are going. But, during the night from time to time, inquire about Me.'' Saying, "very well", Tatyaji would leave the Chavadi and go home. ll214ll – C. 37

People say that Baba averted Tatya's death by giving His own life. He alone knows the truth. ll68ll – C. 42


 Lakshmibai Shinde

The same Lakshmi, with great love, daily sent vegetables and bhakaris for Baba, at the right time. How can this service be adequately praised ! ll94ll If there was a delay in getting the bhakar from Lakshmi, though it was past meal time, He would not put a morsel in the mouth. ll110ll The food served in the plates would get cold. He would wait though hungry; but till Lakshmi's bhakar came, he would not eat any food. ll111ll  From that time onwards, according to the advice, started Lakshmi's bhakari, crushed into milk and offered with love daily. ll108ll Later Baba began to eat that bhakar offered with love and devotion, daily. When there was a delay, He was uneasy and He did not feel like eating. ll109ll – C. 42


Bade Baba

How important Bade Baba was ! His usual seat was on the right hand (of Baba). Baba smoked the chillum only after Bade Baba had partaken of it. ll112ll Bade Baba was that person without whom Baba did not take a step. If he did not eat anything, Baba did not partake of food. ll113ll – C. 23



Bayjabai Kote Patil

Tatya Kote's mother, whose name was Bayjabai, would put some bhakaris in a basket and carry it on her head and go into the woods in the afternoon. ll106ll She would walk for miles, searching in the woods for the mad Fakir, trampling upon the thick foliage and bow down to His feet on finding Him. ll107ll How can one describe the strength of her devotion ? Dry or curried vegetables and bhakari she fed Baba with her hands, in the woods, in the noon or late afternoon. ll108ll This austere devotion of hers was also not forgotten by Baba during His lifetime. Keeping the past in mind He blessed her son with good fortune. ll109ll Both the husband and wife had great faith in the Fakir indeed. The Fakir only was their God; God lives in the faith of the devotee, doesn't He ? ll110ll – C. 8


 Khushalchandshet Marwadi

One afternoon Baba told Dixit : "Take a tonga and go to Rahata and bring back Khushalbhau." ll95ll "Tell him that it has been a long time since I met him, so I have a desire to see him. Tell him that Baba is calling you to meet Him." ll96ll – C. 30


Sow. Khapardeaai

Many other naivedyas came, far superior to this one. Often they remained untouched. What was the greatly impelling reason to eat this only ? ll155ll "You keep aside all the other platters. Even if some are made of silver, you hurl them far away. But, only when this lady's platter came, you got up immediately and started eating. This is surprising !" ll157ll After saying this, He did full justice to the meal, washed His hands and mouth, belched to show His satisfaction and resumed His seat. ll162ll Such was Sree Samartha the compassionate ! Sainath, the protector of all who have surrendered ! He always fulfils the devotees' cherished desires and works for their welfar. ll169ll – C. 27


Kakasaheb Dixit

"I too was waiting for you, Then I sent Shama to meet you, all the way to Nagar", spoke Sai clearly to him. ll91ll His body trembled; his mind was engrossed in Self Bliss; his eyes were half closed and he was immersed in a cloud of joy. ll93ll – C. 51



When Megha died see the importance given by Baba for his cremation, and Baba's affection towards the devotee. Megha was already gratified. ll120ll Accom-panied by all the devotees, the villagers went in procession to the cremation ground. Baba also went to the cremation ground, showering flowers on Megha. ll121ll After Megha's last rites Baba's eyes also filled with tears. Like an ordinary being, with all attachments, He was full of grief. ll122ll With love, Baba covered the body, with His own hands, with plentiful flowers. After lamenting the death with pitiful tones, He returned. ll123ll – C. 31



After some time had passed, Baba asked daily for vermicelli made by Lakshmi in the afternoons, and would eat with her sitting beside Him. ll112ll Baba ate very little and sent what remained, with Lakshmi to Radhakrishna, who savoured the leftovers with great love. ll113ll – C. 42

Actually, the ladder was put against Waman Gondkar's house and Sree Sai climbed up the ladder to the roof, Himself, very swiftly. ll238ll The houses were adjoining and He crossed over quickly to Radhakrishni's roof. Nobody could understand the mystery. ll239ll At that time, Radhakrishni was suffering from severe malaria and she was very restless. ll240ll – C. 19

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba’s Miracle before 1918

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba's Miracle before 1918

Why am I denied Your darshan


He longed for Baba's darshan. But no matter what he did his plans failed. This upset and frustrated Joshi and he got angry at Baba. "All my friends and relatives keep going to Shirdi, why am I denied this opportu­nity? Baba! If you are really a saint, you will give me darshan, even without my going to Shirdi" said Joshi.


Simultaneously at Shirdi a family from Konkan were about to return home after taking Baba's darshan. Baba asked the man 'if he could do a piece of work for Him', the devotee readily agreed. Then Baba said, "You go home by mail, and give this packet of Udi to the per­son who requests you to give him a span of space for sitting". The devotee agreed to Baba's strange request.


He and his family were comfortably seated in the train. At every station, the man looked for the gentleman. But no such person approached him. At last, the train pulled out of Kalyan. The devotee thought that he should write to Baba about his non-compliance. Then the train halted at Thana. Just as the train was moving out, a man rushed into his compartment, drenched in perspiration. He gasped and said, "Please pick up your child and give me a span of space to sit as I am feeling giddy." The Konkani devotee readily picked up his child, and gladly handed over the packet of Udi. He told him of Baba's strange request, and as Joshi had said the very words, he handed over the Udi. Joshi respectfully received the Udi packet. He thought of Baba's kindness towards an angry child and was forever grateful.


Leela- 11 in Ambrosia in Shirdi - Part-I

(Baba's Leelas before 1918)



I have to take care of my children night and day

I have to take care of my children night and day


When (in 1918) Mrs. Tarkhad and her son Master Tarkhad visited Sai Baba. 

Sai Baba: Mother, now a days I have been much pestered. Some want wealth, some women, some sons, Hallo! what I have, none wants. I wait and wait; and one day I will suddenly disappear. I am quite disgusted. 

Mrs. Tarkhad: Baba, why do you say so? Then, what is to become of us? 

Baba: Why are you anxious? Is not God taking thought for your welfare? I am very much pleased when my children come to me, and then I take my two morsels of food with gusto and put on more flesh. 

Master Tarkhad : We come to you to ask just what you have got. You know that? 

Sai Baba: Yes. You will get it. 

Master Tarkhad: Yes, we are quite sure of it. But when? 

Sai Baba: Very soon. 

Master Tarkhad:  Baba, I must have an assurance from you how many more births I will have to take before getting it. 

Sai Baba: Three more lives will be sufficient. 

Master Tarkhad: But Baba, will you not be always with us? 

Sai Baba : Hallo! During how many births have I already been with you! We shall meet again and again. I have to take care of my children night and day, and give an account of every pie to God.



(Baba's Charters and Sayings, No. 97)



Guruvaar Prarthna

Guruvaar Prarthna


Our Beloved Sadguru Sainath, please accept our humble prayers on this Holy Day of Guruvaar. Baba, when we wake up, our first sight is Your Pada Darshan. When we retire at night, with heart full of gratitude we look on your glorious face and utter Sai nama japa until sleep. In between all our time is under your scope of control and whatever we face, good or bad, peace or turbulence, pain or pleasure, we don't consider  that is for us, as you advised, we simply witness all those events and pass on by remembering you. Baba, on this holy day we start our prayers by reading your divine words in Shri Sai Samartha Satcharitra.



After knowing my desire, he gave me his permission to go ahead and said: "Make a good collection of stories, episodes and experiences.


It is better that you maintain records. You have my whole hearted support. The writer is a mere instrument. I have to write it Myself.


My story I shall write myself. I should fulfill the devotees' wishes myself. Thus I will wipe out your egotism and place it at my feet.


one who behaves like this in life, to him I will give complete help; not only for the writing of the story but I shall reside in his home and serve him.


When the ego diminishes and finally disappears, then I will dwell in him and I will write with my own hands.


The undertaking begun with this conviction or any listening, thinking or writing so done is accomplished by Him, but the writer is only the instrument.


Certainly keep the records wherever you may be, either at home or outside. Try to remember them, on and oft. You will have quietude.


If you listen to My stories, recite them and meditate upon them, devotion for me will arise and ignorance will be completely destroyed.


Whenever there is devotion, full of faith, I am entirely in its power always. Have no doubts about this. Otherwise I am unattainable.


If the listeners listen to these stories with faith, then greater faith will be kindled and they will easily experience heavenly bliss and will acquire a state of happiness.


The devotees shall get self realisation. The soul will be in tune with Brahman. The inconceivable and the formless will be understood by them and the Life Spirit will manifest.


Such is the aim of My stories. What else can one desire? This is also the goal of the Vedas. The devotees will be enriched because of this.


Wherever there is the mentality of contentiousness, ignorance and illusion will exist in abundance. There is no purification nor one's own benefit. There are always sceptical and ignoble thoughts.


Such a person is not fit for Self-knowledge. False knowledge will overpower him. For him there is nothing in this world and in the next. For ever and everywhere, he is miserable.


There is no point in establishing one's own school of thought. And there is no need to refute the thinking of others also. There is no need to debate and prove someone wrong. These are baseless efforts".


"There is no need to refute the thinking of others also". That sentence makes me recollect the promise I had given to the listeners earlier.



I bow down to Sree Ganesh

I bow down to Sree Saraswati

I bow down to the Guru

I bow down to the Family Deity

I bow down to Sree Sita-Ramachandra

I bow down to Sree Sadguru Sainath.


Sarveshaam Svaastir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanteeh




-(from Shri Sai Samartha Satchrita, Chapter  2, Ovi 75 - 90)

Sai Baba Morning Aarti

Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Jai

Joduniyaa kara charanee ttevilaa mathaa
Parisawee vinanthee maajzee Pandharinatha
Aso naso bhaava aalo tujziyaa ttaayaa
Kripaa drishtee paahe majzakade Sadgururaayaa
Akhandeeta asaave aise vaatate paayee
Sandoonee sankoch ttaava todaasaa deyee.
Tukaahmane Devaa maajzee vedeevaakudee
Naame bhavapaasaa haathee aapulyaa thondi
Uttaa Paandurangaa aataa prabhaatasamayo paatalaa
Vaishnawaancha melaa garudapaaree daatalaa
Garuda paaraapaasunee mahaadwaaraa payanta
Suravaraanchee maandee ubhee jodooniyaa haat
Suka anakaadika naarada tumbara bhaktanchyaa kotee
Trisool damaroo ghewooni wubhaa girijechaa patee
Kaleeyugeechaa bhakta Namaa ubhaa keertanee
Paatteemaage wubhee dolaa laavuniyaa Janee
Utta utta Sri Sainaathaguru charana kamala daavaa
Aadhivyaadhi bhavataapa vaarunee taaraa jadajeevaa :(dhr):
Gelee tumha soduniyaa bhava tama rajanee vilayaa
Pareehi agnaanaasee tumachee bhulavi yogamaayaa
Sakthi na amhaa yatkinchitahee tijalaa saaraya
Tumheecha teete saaruni daavaa mukha jana taaraayaa
Bho Sainaatha Maharaaja bhava timiranaasaka ravee
Agnanee aamhee kitee tumhicha varnaava thoravee
Thee varnitaa bhaagale bahuvadani sesvidhi kavee
Sakripa howuni mahimaa tumachaa tumheecha vadavaava Adhi….. Utha…..
Bhakta manee sadbhaava dharooni je tumha anusarale,
Dhyaanyasthawa te darsana tumache dwwari ubhe ttele
Dhyaanasthaa tumha asa paahunee mana amuche ghaale,
Paree thwadvachanaamrith praasaayaate aatura jzhaale
Wughadoonee netrakamalaa deenabandhu Ramakaanta,
Paahi baa kripadrishtee baalakaa jashee maaataa
Ranjavee madhuravaanee haree taapa Sainaatha
Aamhceecha aapule karyaasthava tuja kashtavito Deva
Sahana karisil te aikuni dyaavee bhett Krishna daava
Utha…… adhivyadhi
Utta Panduranga aataa darash dhya sakala
Jzhala arunodaya sarali nidrechi vela
Sant sadhu muni avaghe jhaleti ghola
Soda sheje sukhe aata bagdu ghya mukha kamala
Rang mandapi mahadwari jzzaalise daati
Man utaaveel roop pahawaya drishti.
Rahee rakhumabai tumha yewoo dya daya
Sheje haalawunee jage kara Dev raya
Garud Hanumant ubhe paahatee wat
Swargiche surwar ghewuni aale bobhat
Zhale muktha dwar laabha zhala rokada
Vishnudas naama ubha ghewooni kakada.
5. ABHANG Aarti with Five-Wick Lamp
Ghewuniya panchaarati, karoo Babansi aarati
Utta utta ho bandhawa. Owaaloo ha Ramadhava.
Karooniya sthira man, pahu gambhirira he dhyan
Sayeeche he dhyan pahu gambhirira he dhyan
Krishnanatha Datt Sai jado chitta tujze paayee
Chitta Deva paayee Jado chitta tuzhe paayee
Kaakad aarati kareeto Sainatha deva
Chinmaya roop daakhavee ghewuni balak laghu seva
Kaam krodh mad matsar aattunee kaakada kela
Vairagyache toop ghaaluni mee to bhijaveela
Sainath Guru bakti jwalane to mee petawila
Tad vryitti jaluni guroo ne prakash paadila
Dwaita tama naasooni milavi tatswaroopi jeewa
Chinmaya …. Kaakad…. Aarati….
Bhoochar khechar vyaapooni awaghe hritkamali raahasee
Tochi dattaadev tu shridi raahuni paawasee
Rahooni yethe anayatrahitoo baktaastava dhavasee
Nirasooniyaa sankata daasaa anubhawa daavisee
Na kale twalleelahee konyaa devaa waaa maanavaa
Chinmaya …. Kaakad…. Aarati….
Twat yasha dundubheene saare ambar he kondale
Sagun murti paahanyaa aatur jan Shirdee aale
Proshuni twadvachanaamrita aamuche dehabhaan haarpale
Sodooniyaa durabhimaan maanas twaccharanee waahile
Kripa karooniya Sai maawle daas padari ghyaawaa
Chinmaya …. Kaakad…. Aarati….
Bhaktaachiya potee bodh kaakada jyoti
Pancha prana jeevebhave owaaloo aarthi
Owaaloo aaratee maajyza pandhareenaatha majyza Sainathaa
Donhi kara jodonee charanee ttevilaa mathaa
Kaay mahima varnoo aataa sangane kitee
Kotee brahma haiyaa makha pahataa jaatee
Rahee rakhmaabaayee ubhya doghee do baahee
Mayur pincha chaamara dhaaliti thaayee che thaayee
Tuka mhane deep ghewuni unmaneet shobhaa
Vittevaree ubha dise laawanya gaabhaa. Owaaloo aaratee …
Utta utta saadhu sant aapulale hit
Jaaeel jaaeel ha nardeh mag kaincha bhagawant
Uttoniya pahaante baba ubha ase vitte
Charan tayaache gomate amrit drishti awalokaa
Utta utta ho vegesee chalaa jaawoonya raawulaasee
Jalatil patakaanchya raashi kaakad aarati dekhliyaa
Jaage karaa rukhminivar, dev aahe nijasuraant
Vege limbalon karaa drisht hoeel tayasee
Daaree waajantree vaajatee dhol damaame garijatee
Hote kaakad aarati maazhyaa Sadguru rayaanchee
Simhanaad shankabheree aanand hoto mahaa dwaaree
Keshawaraaj vittewaree naamaa charan vandito
Sainath Guru maajhe aaee
Majlaa thaav dhyaavaa paayeen
Datta raaja Guru majhe aaee
Majlaa thaav dhyaavaa paayeen
Prabhaat samayeen nabhaa shubh ravi prabha phaankalee
Smare guru sadaa ashaa samayin tya chhale naa kalee
Monhoni kar jodoonee karoon ataa Guru praarthanaa
Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa
Tamaa nirasi bhaanu ha Guruhi naasi agnyaanataa
Parantu Suruchee karaa na ravihee kadhee saamyathaa
Punhaa thimir janm ghe Gurukrupeni agnaan naa
Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa
Ravi pragat howuni twarita ghaalawee aalasaa
Tasa guruhi sodawee sakal dushkriti laalasaa
Haroni abhimaanahee jadwi tatpadee bhavanaa
Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa
Guroosi upama dise vidhi hareeharaanchi unee
Kuttoni mag yeie tee kavaniyaa ugee paahunee
Tuzheech upama tulaa baravi shobhate sajjanaa
Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa
Samaadhi uthroniyaa Guru chalaa mashidee kade
Twadeeya vachnokti tee madhur vaaritee saankhade
Ajaataripu Sadguro akhil pathkaa bhanjanaa
Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa
Ahaa susamayaasi yaa Guru uttoniyaa baisale
Vilokuni padaashrithaa tadiya aapade naasile
Asaa suhithkaaree yaa jagati konihee anya naa
Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa
Asa bahut shaahanaaa pari na jyaa Guroochi kripaa
Na tatswahit tyaa kalae karitase rikamya gapaa
Jari Gurupada dhari sudhrid bhaktineh tho manaa
Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa
Guro vinati mee karee hridayamandiree yaa basaa
Samasth jag he guruswaroopee ttaso maanasaa
Ghado satat sathkrutee matihi deh jagatjpaavanaa
Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa
Preme yaa asthakaashi paduni Guruvaraa
Praarthitee je prabhaatee
Tyaanche chittasee deto akhilharooniyaan
Braanti mee nitya shaantee
Aise he Sainathe kathuneesuchvileh jevee yaa baalakaasee
Tevee tyaa Krishnapaayee namuni
Savinayeh arpito ashtakaasee
10. PADH
Sai raham nazar karnaa Bachonkaa paalan karnaa
Sai raham nazar karnaa Bachonkaa paalan karnaa
Jaanaatumneh jagat pasaaraa Sabahee jzhoott jamaanaa
Jaanaatumneh jagat pasaaraa Sabahee jzhoott jamaanaa Sai raham…
Mein andhaa hoon bandaa aabkaa Mujhse prabhu dikhlaanaa
Mein andhaa hoon bandaa aabkaa Mujhse prabhu dikhlaanaa Sai raham…
Daas ganu kahe ab kyaa boloo Thak gayi meree rasnaa.
Daas Ganu kahe ab kyaa boloo Thak gayi meree rasnaa. Sai raham…
11. PADH
Raham nazar karo, ab more Sayee Tumbin naheen mujze maa baap bhaayee
Raham nazar karo Raham nazar karo
Mein andhaa hoon banda tumhaaraa Mein andhaa hoon banda tumhaaraa
Mein naa jaanoon Mein naa jaanoon Mein naa jaanoon Allaah ilaahee Raham ….
Khalee jamaanaa meineh gamaayaa Khalee jamaanaa meineh gamaayaa
Saathee aakhar kaa Saathee aakhar kaa Saathee aakhar kaa kiyaa na koyee Raham ….
Apne maszhid ka zhaadoo Ganoo hai Apne maszhid ka zhaadoo Ganoo hai
Maalik hamaare Maalik hamaare Maalik hamaare tum Baabaa Sayee Raham ….
12. PADH
Tujze kai devoon Saawalyaa mee khaayaa taree hoo
Tujze kai devoon Sadguru mee khaayaa taree
Mee dubalee batik Naamyaachee jaan Shreeharee
Mee dubalee batik Naamyaachee jaan Shreeharee
Uchishta tulaa denen hee ghosht naa baree hoo
Uchishta tulaa denen hee ghosht naa baree
Toon jagannaath tujze deoon kashire bhaakaree
Toon jagannaath tujze deoon kashire bhaakaree
Nako ant madeeya pahoon sakhya bhagwantaa, Shrikaantaa
Maadhyaahnraatra vultoni gaelee hee aatan aan chittaa
Ja hoieel tujha re kaakadaa hee raolaantaree hoo
Ja hoieel tujha re kaakadaa hee raolaantaree
Aanateel bhakt naivedya hi naanaaparee
Aanateel bhakt naivedya hi naanaaparee
13. PADH
Shreesadguru Baabaa Saayee hoo Shreesadguru Baabaa Saayee
Tujh waanchuni aashraya naahi bhutalee, Tujh waanchuni aashraya naahi bhutalee
Mee paapee patit dheemanda hoo Mee paapee patit dheemanda
Taarane malaa Gurunathaa jhadkari Taarane malaa Sainathaa jhadkari
Toon shaantikshamechaa meroo hoo Toon shaantikshamechaa meroo
Toon bhavaarnaveeche taaru Guruvaraa Toon bhavaarnaveeche taaru Guruvaraa
Guruvaraa majzasi paamaraa ataan udharaa
Tvarit lavlaahee tvarit lavlaahee
Mee budato bhavbhaya dohee udharaa Mee budato bhavbhaya dohee udharaa
Shreesadguru Baabaa……
Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Jai
Aum Raajaadhiraaja Yogiraaja ParaBrahma Sainaath Maharaaj
Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Jai!
Sai Baba