Saturday, June 6, 2009


"om sai ram"


I am Ritu Natha from Jaipur Rajasthan, India.

Sir, i am doing MBA and preparing for C.S also. I am very glad to know that the spirituality of Sai Baba has been spread throughout the world. Everybody whether Indian or not and person of every religion is now worshiping the Sai Baba and having great trust and believe in Sai Baba.

Sir, my family me all are worshiper of Sai Baba. Sir my father is a small marble moorti sculpture especially he makes Sai Baba idols. He is running a short business in this field. Sir I want you give us an opportunity that really we need that.

Please just give us a small chance for the Sai Baba we will prove ourselves. Your one opportunity can change our future. We make all kinds of Sai Baba and other marble idols.

I will send you the sample photos. Please give them a look and look into the matter that's all I want to say to you. I trust you very much and I know you will give the opportunity to do something for Baba for you.


Ritu Atrs , 457, Mishra Raja ji ka rasta, Indra bazaar, Jaipur, Rajasthan(India)

Mobile (0091) 9784328824/9829092484,

Telephone – (0091 -141) – 2313084

Mail id:

(N.B: Photographs are attached in this folder. Please get permission before published these photographs from the copy right owner)

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