Tuesday, June 16, 2009



23rd May 1936

Ramachandra Vaman Modak, B.A., Engineer, Seths' House (near Peru's gate) Sadasiv pet, Poona (Sai Leela Masik, Vol III, part 9, p.399: Udhi used to drive off snakes from the house) says:

I went to Sai Baba about 1909 and was impressed well enough to repeat my visits. My last visit was in 1916. The most momentous of my visits was in 1912. My employment was that of Senior Government Auditor of Municipal and local accounts of West Kandesh Division and my head quarters was nominally at Bombay. My wife and children, however, were stationed by me at Dhulia. In 1912, I had some official troubles or foreboding of troubles especially with a particular higher officer, who was waiting for an opportunity to sack me. They were trying to force me to appear for a departmental test, in which of course that particular officer would have an excellent opportunity to sack me and even declare me unfit to continue in service. The question was, if I should face danger and by passing the test qualify myself for higher appointment or simply remain safe on my pay of Rs. 120 and refuse to go up for the test. At this juncture, having learnt of Sai Baba's omniscient kindness and vast powers of control I determined to make him my sole guide and Providence to help me in deciding aright on this matter of great importance. I left Bombay for Shirdi (which is outside my jurisdiction) informing no one and taking no leave from my department to enable me to be away from work. I hoped also to return quickly in which case no leave would be necessary. I went straight to Shirdi. It always gives me (and other devotees also) great relief to be in the presence of Baba. Care leaves one as soon as he is in that presence and happiness filled his soul.

Next morning, at 7 a.m. (i.e. the usual time to go to Baba to take leave), I was being put off. I could not start as Baba had given me no leave. He knew full well that I had gone there in an irregular way without the sanction of my superior and unknown even to my family. If there were consequences to be faced, Sai had to face them. But Shama i.e., Madhavrao Despande knew my difficulties and interceded on my behalf, telling Baba: " He has stayed several days. Give him leave to go." Baba gruffly answered him that I had gone to see Baba and not to see Madhavrao. Turning to me also, he asked whether I had gone there to see him (Baba) or to see Madhavrao. Baba gave me assurance that all would go well with me regarding my official problem as in other matters. In fact he detained me at Shirdi when the test was going on at Bombay. The die was thus cast and Baba settled it as the best for me that I would not go up for the test examination.

On the night of my fifth day's stay, I had a dream. I saw therein that I was back at home, that my young daughter was welcoming me, asking me where I had been all these days. I woke up and felt assured that Baba was going to give me leave. At once I prepared for departure. I dressed myself up and despite my friend's protest that there was no guarantee that Baba would give me leave even that day. I went to the gate of the mosque. Baba was in a towering passion fuming and fretting with a stone in his hand and was moving up and down at the mosque. He saw me standing at the gate. In ten minutes times, he calmed down and took his seat on the gadi. That was the place where he should be approached and I went and prostrated. Of his own accord, he said, "Take Udhi and go away." That was the way leave was granted for departure. "But, " I asked Baba, "Where am I to go? Please tell me that" as I wanted definite oral solution by him of my problem – whether I should go to Bombay direct, which would mean refusing boldly to attend the test. Baba's answer was "Go home. Your children are anxiously waiting for you." That confirmed my dream and settled my course. I went to Dhulia and only later on to Bombay.

When I went to Bombay, in the usual course, some trouble might have arisen on account of my unauthorised absence. But, strangely enough, everything went on smoothly. My clerks, who would have to go with me on my tours, wondered where I had gone away. My family fancied I was at Bombay all the time. Anyhow by Baba's grace, my absence was not officially noticed and did not lead to any official trouble. On the way from Shirdi to Bombay on this occasion, as usual, I had to go naturally via Manmad. The Deputy Collector of the Division was camping there at Manmad and he had sent me a letter asking me to halt enroute at Manmad and I intended to meet the Deputy collector. But when I started and thought of stopping at Manmad Baba said, "Pshew, Give that up. He is not there. There is no hurry." At that time, I did not understand what Baba meant. But, when I got down at Manmad I learnt that the Deputy Collector had got wire from which made him suddenly break up his camp there and hurry away elsewhere. So Baba was right, as he always is. During these six days of my Shirdi stay, Baba was impressing my heart with spiritual experience. I felt that he was all in for me and that I needed nothing more for my mundane or spiritual welfare. That was decided critical and precious period of my life.

(Written by HH pujyasri B. V. Narasimha Swamiji in Devotees Experiences)

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