Friday, June 12, 2009


Question: Is it enough to convey our desire to Baba once or do we have to keep asking him for the same thing? Will Baba satisfy our desires even if we do not ask him for anything?

Answer: If you can ask Baba to satisfy your desire once, and sit quiet in confident expectation that he will do it, asking once is sufficient. Baba will satisfy our desires even if we do not ask him. But we cannot sit quiet without asking him again and again. So we ask him repeatedly till that desire is satisfied. If the problem is serious we keep asking Baba repeatedly. It is not that Baba will give us the relief if we ask ten times and he will not give if we ask him once. We can take it as the relationship between hunger and asking for food. The experience of hunger is the signal to start seeking food. If we feel hunger, we cannot stop asking for food. A baby is hungry. It starts crying. The mother instinctively knows that the baby is hungry and that it has to be suckled. Does the baby cry once or twice feebly and stop crying in the confidence that the mother will understand that it is hungry? It cries till it gets the milk.

Question: How can we be sure that Baba is our father and that we are his own?

Answer: We can know for sure by the security we get from him. We know from our own experiences as to who is solving our problems, whenever we have a problem. We may keep a hundred gods in our hearts, feeling that we should cover all the bases, but when it comes to the crunch, it is Baba's name that we take for saving us. We do not know fully that we are his own but we do have an inkling that he is our saviour. Baba, who is our father and mother, knows with certainty that we are his children. Take the example of the mother and child. The mother knows that it is her child. How does the child know that it is his mother? He realises it as the time passes. He realises by the love the mother has for him, the way the mother looks after him and takes care of all his needs. She feeds him and caresses him. So the child, over some time, realises "This is my mother." In the same way we will realise over some time that Baba is our father by the way he treats us and solves our problems.

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