Friday, June 12, 2009



One day Baba was smoking his chilim and passing it round among those near. One Mr. Kolambe, a smoker of beedies, was seated at some distance. He felt a desire to have a puff or two out of the chillim. At once Baba called out to him, "You boy, come here! Why keep yourself so far? Come near and have a smoke!" Kolambe joined the group and enjoyed a few puffs.

On a later visit to Shirdi, Baba asked dakshina from everyone except Kolambe. Kolambe was happy when he thought that Baba was thereby revealing to him that he had taken note of his having given up his vicious habit of drinking. And later, when everyone had retired to the wada Kolambe was boasting of his immunity from Baba's demands of dakshina. At once Baba sent word to him and demanded Rs. 2/- as dakshina from him and received it.

Another devotee who had come to Shirdi deposited his balance of Rs. 18/- with Kolambe in secret so that he might truthfully tell Baba that he had no money if he should ask for dakshina. Baba turned to him and asked for Rs. 2/- as dakshina and added, "Take it from this man (i.e., Kolambe) and give it." The man's device was obviously found out by Baba! The man then really paid it

(Written by: Pujya Acharya E. Bharadwaja in Sai Baba the Master)

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